Feeling faint at night
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I’ve been having frightening symptoms of feeling faint and passed out completely on one occasion. I do have low blood pressure and understand that menopause can make this even lower. I am 49 and have had this for two years now, it’s getting worse. Dizziness when driving, and have had to pull over, followed by feeling hot and weak. Several times I have woken at night feeling faint and dizzy, head pounding, this is extremely frightening. I am fit and well and look after myself, these symptoms are very frustrating, frightening and debilitating. I would like to know if anyone has had the same please? I have the other usual meno symptoms of hair thinning, facial hair, flushes at night and irregular periods. But the fainting is frightening.
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karen96096 salzzone
Hi salzzone I get the dizziness but never passed out yet. It's very frightening. Mine have calmed down by going on hrt but rescue now and then x
dora_39625 salzzone
Hi... Yes, I have exact same symptoms! It is vert frightening, but am huessubg it's down to fluctuating hormones?
I too find it very debilitating and question whether it is normal perimenopause symptoms..
Have you spoken to a doctor or menopause specialist?
I've noticed that I'm more troubled around time of my period. It's awful. I can't take heat or hot weather and makes me feel more weak and faint. Very frustrating.
I'm sure there are plenty more women out there experiencing same symptoms as us.
Hope this had reassured you x
I also have low blood pressure which has been made worse at times through perimenopause. Not vert nice but not alot we can do about it.
Rest, don't push yourself, drink plenty of water are what I keep hearing.
Maybe use something for support when out and about.
margaret48530 salzzone
CarolKelso salzzone
Hi Salzzone
I've had exactly the same. Its a horrible feeling and it is like when you are relaxed and falling asleep, your body feels as if something is wrong as goes into shock mode. I recently went to GP as I had the same feelings and had to have sugar at 3am so I had a big bowl of porridge. All bloods were done and just fine.
The heart races, you feel breathless and you are about to faint.
I am 47 and it is scary but I am 4 years going through this now and you think you are getting past it and something happens again. Hang tight. It is a rough ride but you are not alone as many of us are going through the same. Check in here and share as this has been an enormous help to me. The ladies in here have been great. Many blessings to you there!! CK
anxiousface salzzone
lori93950 salzzone
This is HELL!!
I get faint dizzy pressure in my head ... looked in mirror was white as a ghost .
anxiousface salzzone
Nancy2121 salzzone
EXACTLY what I go through! Haven't fainted from it yet, but have thrown up a few times. Nauseated most all the time. Started cbd oil which has REALLY helped. Seeing my gyn next week, and requesting HRT. I am hopeful that will put an end to the debilitating symptoms! Glad to know we're not alone in this.
kimberly60059 salzzone
Nancy2121 kimberly60059