Feeling fainty an anxious
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Hi I'm in peri meno an the week i get my period I get such headaches for 2 to 3 days an my heart races which makes me very anxious an i get a fainty feeling....I do use a 1/4 calming pill when this happens can only think it's hormonal cause it's for a day or 2 then back to normal.... every month it's something new gt dry eyes so badly an anxiety levels seem to go haywire during cycle..... anyone else experiencing this some days I feel I'm going crazy....lol
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maureen12052 Guest
Hi Michelle 60550. I'm in Peri memo to I get the same faintly feeling the week I get my period. I feel so sick my anxiety is through the roof I get real nervous and shakey.
The dry eyes let's not even mention that!! Then the period over and back to normal, but I feel like my systems begin
all over again so quickly! 😕
colleen90305 Guest
2chr2015 colleen90305
Colleen, I have the lorazepam too. I would only take 0.125mg at a time when I needed it, but I started using it more often (bc it works so well)...then I noticed I needed to take more (bc I built up a tolerance)...so I decided I wasn't going to take it anymore and try some natural alternatives. Well, let me just say..I thought peri was bad. Benzo withdrawals will put you in a class all your own!! Did I think I was addicted? No. But my body had become dependent on that relief....very quickly.
colleen90305 2chr2015
Hi Chrz, I don't take them ever. I can't be drowsy during the day, and what's weird is I sleep well, Thank God
I feel so weird when I awake, clumsy and disoriented. I'm tired of this life
2chr2015 Guest
teresa33877 Guest
Thanks everyone its really a horrible feeling im a day mom to a yr old baby so i hate feeling like this.... and yes I only use Azor 5mg a 1/4 pill when really need to.... It really helps wth the anxiety I've been getting.... but agree must use with caution..... xx