Feeling Frazzled
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Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing well. I was doing pretty good for a good few months but now I feel myself getting frazzled again. Some of my symptoms have come back ugh! Does anyone feel this way? I feel that maybe my hormones are starting to change again thats why I am feeling like this. I hope that is the case anyways lol! Just wanted to see if any of you ladies had this experience as well. Have a great evening and I am praying for all of us to be able to get through this soon
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marisol06794 becky53379
Hi Becky yes this is an on and off thing ive been going through this for 2 year's now one minute i feel like running a marathon and the next i can't even get out of bed with different kind of symptoms it's not nice when you feel like everything is finally over there comes that hurricane of symptoms again i guess we just have to hang in there a pray to god this is over soon just wanted to let you no you're not alone hope you feel better son wish you the best take care hugs!!!
becky53379 marisol06794
Hi Marisol thank you for your response. That is exactly how I felt.....like I was finally get through it and now here we go again. Im just thankful for all of you ladies that tell me its normal. It brings my anxiety back down. Hope you are having a good day! Take care
jane5216 becky53379
Yes!! You've said just what I've been feeling for the past couple of weeks. All my symptoms started to fade away and I thought 'phew!' I've made it through. But now, I just feel like staying in bed all the time, I'm terrified of the future and have no faith in my own ability to do anything. The hot flushes have come back, I can't sleep, I'm constantly anxious or feeling like screaming. Sorry to hear you're feeling the same but it's nice to know I'm in good company.
becky53379 jane5216
Hi Jane, Im sorry that you are feeling this way as well. I am glad that I have you ladies to connect with and to get reassurance. My big thing right now is waking up with a bloody nose everyday. It was gone for a couple of months and I felt really good in that time but now they are back. Ugh! Thank you for your response. I hope that your day is going well
liz67338 becky53379
Same here Becky...I'll try something new...like new herbs or vitamins or hormones...it appears to be working for a few weeks then bam they all come back...I guess it is the hormones fluctuating....my whole life is focused on trying new things to get through all of this..and constant tests to make sure I'm not dying.....one day one day!! X
becky53379 liz67338
Hi Liz sorry for the late response. I dont usually take anything. The only thing that I take is Raw vitamin D3 because my bloodtest showed low. I completely believe that it is definitely hormones fluctuating, because I never felt like this before perimenopause. This is a rough ride but like you said "one day" . Take care!
juanita93228 becky53379
becky53379 juanita93228
metamorphed becky53379
hi becky. this seems to happen to me every six months or so. I feel better and then hit a six month mark and then feel bad again for about 1 months, sometimes longer. I know now because this is now the third time this 'crash' has happened, since june 2015 (the first major one!). I am now feeling all sorts of new symptoms and old ones returning also for a month and a half now. And I had really good months before that. Feeling a slilght lift now so hopefully will feel good again until summer, and then hopefully the hormones will have reached their new lowest level. Who really knows what is going on, its all guesswork but there is definitely a pattern, for me anyhow.
becky53379 metamorphed
Thank you so much for your response! You put a word to this perfectly a "crash" Some of my old symptoms are coming back. Like, I get a bloody nose on one side of my nose and in the middle of the night or early morning. Now when I get it I figure thatit is a sign of hormones changing again. I didnt have it for a couple of months but it has been back lately. I hope that your lift in the crash is back and you feel better
Im hoping that our hormones are almost done dancing at that we shine in the next part of our lives. Im praying for you daily. Take care and have a great day 
Trishann becky53379
Yes I too felt things getting better then all of a sudden it comes right back!! 😕😕 just when I thought okay I'm getting over this funk! But it must be the hormones again.
becky53379 Trishann
Hi Trishann, Im sure it is our dancing hormones. We just need to remind ourselves that good days are ahead
I know its hard and that is what I am struggling with remembering myself.....but you ladies on here are a blessing and keep me encouraged in a mess of difficulty. Im so thankful for all of you! Have a great day and thank you for your response!