feeling frustrated

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So I had my apt today. At least this time I had a nice dr.  But because she wasn't my primary dr she didn't want to refer me out.  I did get her to switch me to clob ointment but of course the pharmacy has to order it.  She says my insurance probly wouldn't cover too many tests so only getting THS reflexive.  I get it , my insurance sucks, unfortunately I cant afford 1000 a month for decent insurance. But the clinic is so mimimal, my husbands dr fights for testing and gets the insurance to pay for it.  Its sad that I feel like crying when I leave the clinic. She doesnt even think if I was referred to an LS specialist that they will take my insurance.  So I guess its time to hunt for someone accepting new patients,(hard to find in this area) and one that takes my crappy insurance.   Ok I'm done crying about it.  Thanks for all of you and your advise. . Shari

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58 Replies

  • Posted

    oh no shari....thats so difficult.

    did she at least concede that the tests would be helpful? did she know what they were? mine told me there was no free T3  OR Reverse T3  !! hmmmmm

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      We didnt even get into the tests, but the test she ordered will test th tsh first, if abnormal it tests free t4  and so on.  I just need to get out of that clinic. 
  • Posted

    And that sucks ... pardon my French.  Shari, if it is any consolation - you can follow the discussion here and try some things out.  You know you have LS.  You already got a prescription for the globetasol.  One down. After that you actually won't need the help of a doctor anymore.  They won't know anything else anyway.  Read or listen to Dr. Goldstein's on 'lichensclerosustreatment' and you know what to do.  That's another.  Try to read on this forum about food habits - one of them being: no sugar. 

    There is also info on the thyroid.  Take the tests you can get within your insurance. TSH test will be sufficient for now.  At least you will know the level of your thyroid for now.  The fine tuning can be done later.  Ask for the number your thyroid is showing and any explanation the doctor is willing to give you.  Furthermore, it will also help to avoid caffeine and alcohol. (for the thyroid)  Do some more reading on the food intake.  It might also help you to go gluten free.  There is a lot a person can do on his/her own. 

    By the way - where do you live?

    Wishing you well.  Please try to avoid getting stressed out over the medical world.  They're stuck with the rules insurance companies are making. 

    All of us on this forum can be here for you and tell about our experiences.  Some of the things that are mentioned here may benefit you as well. 

    • Posted

      Thank you I have already learned a lot on this forum. And now that I have the oinment im hoping it works better for me then the cream and wont be afraid to use it up to two weeks if necessary. Manly I was concerned about all the white skin I have again, reason for going.    I live in Oregon
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    One question I forgot to ask:  Do you know the frequency of the use of globetasol.  Did the doctor at least inform you on that? 
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      Yes we did talk about that.  two times daily twice a week for maintaining. And twice daily during flare up for up to two weeks. If flare gets better sooner then two weeks then go back to twice weekly. And im hoping that will help get this white skin back to pink soon.  Hopefully the pharmacy will have my oinment tomorrow.  
  • Posted

    Interesting, yesterday when I saw my gynae she seemed to accept an area of white as 'not active' – no fissure was her bar. Hanny's right, I think. We only need the doctors to check for pre-cancerous cells every six months.

    I asked her about gluten and we got talking about alternative stuff. She said celiac disease can be symptom-free, you have to be tested to see if you have it. That would be the only reason to go off gluten. Having been through all sorts of food sensitivity diet stuff when my kids were small I can say from experience that there's a point where worrying about every molecule you eat (which you have to do if you're avoiding gluten) is a big fat stressor, counter-productive in my view.

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      Interesting, I do however have bruising and a tiny tear near perineum. I have more white area tgen I use to and it is moving toward urethra.  And ive heard its not good to completely go gluten free unless your allergic idk.
  • Posted

    Hi Morrell,

    I can testify that the gluten free diet has made a world of difference for me.  After years of thyroid medication, that are agitating your intestines, my bowels had had it.  Now with the gluten-free diet, plus the use of Colostrum my intestines behave normal again and are better able to absorb the nutrients out of the food I eat. 

    Too often we forget that our poor intestines have to cope with all the medication we have been taking over the years. As well as anti-biotics during and after every surgery.   I believe that the well functioning in that department will reflect on the rest of the body.   

    • Posted

      colostrum hanny thats great...you are really up to date....you must have an A1 PRACTIONER!

      Do you know the source of the colostrum and how are you finding it to take? what does it taste like?  hanny you seem to be coming more and more alive over the period that i've come to know you...its inspiring...you are clearly under the best of care and are being thoroughly restored!! you're so much more assertive now! xx

    • Posted

      Well, as my gynae said, you could be celiac and asymptomatic. This would explain why the fad of going gluten free does make a big difference for some people. Myself, I wouldn't do the diet unless I'd been tested for celiac.

      I believe that for a lot of people trying to exclude gluten from their diet forces them to raise their food awareness and they wind up eating more whole foods and far less junk.

  • Posted

    Hi Shari,  Living in Oregon also, I totally understand.  I do pay an incredible amount for insurance and also I don't like our health care system.  I agree that you may not need a lot of extra help with the LS, but the thyroid may be a different story.  What kinds of thyroid symptoms are you having?  I also have the white skin issues with LS (but no tears currently) and I hope that this is not considered as good as it gets.  The vulval skin is not normal and doesn't stretch normally and feels irritated a lot.  I'm hoping for pink skin, too.  White skin is not normal skin.  For what it's worth, I also think that it's a good idea to get tested for Celiac disease, just because only one in 10 ever gets diagnosed and everyone should probably be tested (automatic I hear in Italy in Kindergarten).  If we have autoimmune or thyroid issues, it's especially important to get tested. Also, there is the issue they now know called "non-celiac gluten intolerence" where the gluten problems are manifested in places in the body outside the gut (like the joints). I am trying the autoimmune paleo diet just to try to quiet my various autoimmune overreactivity.  It is a grain-free diet, and I do feel better. I think that experimenting in various ways would be worth it if it pays off in better health. If it were just LS and I didn't care about sex anymore, I might not feel like it's worth the sacrifice, but it's not only LS for me, but Hashimoto's, Celiac, and a number of autoimmune antibodies related to Lupus and Schleroderma (which I'd like to prevent from manifesting fully).  So, not eating my favorite foods for awhile may be worth the trade.  Only we as individuals can make that assessment for ourselves. I hope that if your TSH comes back normal but you still have thyroid symptoms that you persist in getting tested.  Good luck to you!  --Suzanne  
    • Posted

      Yes our health care system needs Iimprovement.  I guess I should feel more fortunate that my LS is not as bad as some.  Ive heard several women say there white skin went back to pink, guess im being hopeful there.  I am trying hard to eat healthier foods and only shopping the outer perimeter of the grocery store. Gets spendy when feeding a family of five but my husband is also diabetic so need to eat healthy.  Im waiting to see what drs they hire in another office so I can get someone willing to do tests.
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      That's great that you and your family are trying not to eat processed foods. It takes a lot more time and costs a lot too, but I'm just realizing the last few years the importance of that to my health.  Also, I agree--white skin to pink is my goal, too.  
    • Posted

      hey sha ...there is a new regime for diabetics to be restored...there was a summit about it recently....just to mention.
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      I've had my white skin completely disappear several times in the last year, so maybe my gynae could see that it was fairly superficial. Some of the horror photos have great swaths of wrinkling, separating white 'cigarette paper' skin.
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      I live on my own so i cannot make comparisions for feeding a family with their likes and dilikes, but i never buy "naughty" foods for me- guests yes - me no. I  mainly cook for guests - I have soups- - homemade admittedly  and mostly vegetable. I eat salads until I fear going into the fields in case the rabbit population makes me one of their own. I dislike the flavour of milk - so never have it in drinks or on cereal. don't eat cereals anyway-may as well eat concrete- not good for my digestion. Love fruits of all kinds, but never buy sweets/ chocolate / biscuits  /cakes. However I love cheeses - the smellier the better. Seldom eat bread because of the hunks of butter and toppings i love to eat it with Love fish but normally only eat smoked salmon- too lazy (or busy) to cook. Love meat but again seldom eat it. Eggs galore - so I cluck at times and copious amounts of water- fizzed up, but no flavours added I dont spend very much on food at all All my blood test came back normal yesterday. And where possible i buy in bulk (I dislike shopping)
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      Butter is in the good go for it list!

      could you drink plain filtered water?

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      oh i love my cheese too.  I dont like milk or cereal either.  I eat oatmeal on occasion and creamer in my coffee.    love making homeade soups and have been eating a ton of salad to the point i get sick of it sometimes.  I dont like to cook anything for lunch for myself so its usually something quick like greek yogurt or fresh fruit smoothie, carrots and hummus.  I love water so drink lots of that.   

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