Feeling Frustrated (Again)
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I have just had a string of lovely days where I felt confident, upbeat, energetic, and basically on top of the world. I felt that this perimenopause was finally over, but now, today, I am sweaty and disoriented. My digestion is terrible. I have a low grade headache and an absolutely crushing fatigue! I feel so down.
It is hard to understand how I could feel so well, and now feel like crap again. I just want this to be over!
Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the brilliant days that I have had, but I still feel cheated now that I am struggling again.
I am taking solace, though, in the fact that my period is lengthening. Tomorrow is Day 47, and there is no period in sight. I have read that the physical symptoms intensify as menopause gets closer.
I turn 51 in just over a month.
Thoughts? (only positive ones, please:)
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kelly55079 bev27429
I think that's a great sign-- day 47!! I would just remember to be good to yourself during this time, it's a process. I too feel like crap today only I have this heavy period-- I feel as thou I haven't slept in a couple days.. But still we must take care of ourselves-- stay hydrated, take supplements and get plenty of rest!! Hopefully this will pass soon!!
bev27429 kelly55079
Thanks, Kelly:) Yes, I do feel that Day 47 is a good sign, as well. I am so proud of myself for persevering with my life, regardless of how I feel. Through all of this, I have made the decision to make choices from a place of wellness. I refuse to submit to these hormones, no matter how hard things get. Every time that I feel well, I recognize that this is the real me, and, one day, I will return in all of my glory!
cindy17746 bev27429
I totally get what you are feeling. I have had a number of great, normal days, but the last two have been absolutely terrible and I cry in frustration. I havent had a period in over 2 months, and I genuinely have noticed an improvement in my symptoms. There is hope!! Right now, I have been going through a couple of days of digestive issues, fatigue, and muscle weakness. And brain fog. Hoping it soon passes. But have been doing better. Hang in there. Once these hormones stop flying all over the place, we will feel better.
bev27429 cindy17746
Thanks so much for your lovely, supportive post! I am now in Day 52 and still no period. What seems to be happening in the last little bit is that things still get horrible and almost impossible to bear, but then I seem to rebound more quickly than before. Dare I say that my body and brain are starting to normalize?!
cindy17746 bev27429
I hear you! I think (knock wood), that my body and brain are starting to level themselves out. Like you say, there are still issues, and there likely will be, given that our hormones levels are lower, but hopefully there won't be those horrible stretches of feeling like death while our hormones took a roller coaster ride.I am optimistic, and am enjoying having more days when I feel like a normal human. Take care!
audra86673 bev27429
I haven't had a period in 23 months and wanted to let you know it was a fact for me that my peri symptoms grew so intense right before my periods stopped. I had my last period in September 2017 but starting in July of 2017 my symptoms hit me out of nowhere and were so awful ( i was 49). The life altering symptoms lasted about 6-8 months and slowly improved over the next year. I'm still not 100% back to my old self, but I'm pretty close. I can function like a totally normal human and enjoy life again. 52 days! woohoo!! Better days are just around the corner!
cindy17746 audra86673
Audra, I found the same thing about symptoms getting worse, and meant to mention that to Bev. The spring was HELL for me, and my sister kept reassuring me that I was nearing the end. It's nice to know that normal days are possible. 😃
bev27429 audra86673
Thanks SOOO much Audra! I have heard the same from a book that I read and from another woman on this forum: it gets totally brutal, before it starts to improve for good. About May of this year, I literally thought that I was done, but then the symptoms came back more extreme than ever (crying all of the time, hysterical, dizzy, bloated, weight loss, off balance, the list goes on...)Now, about four months later, I am starting to notice an upward trend: the symptoms can still be terrible, but then I rebound much more quickly.
Your support and kind words mean a lot!
This peri ride has been so intense for me, that I have actually written a book about my experiences (good and bad), as I want to have a resource for women to read, so that they understand the process and know that it can and will get better. I could have used an honest and informative account, that's for sure! My doctor was absolutely no help to me, whatsoever.
I will make it available, once I am post, and all of this is behind me:)
cindy17746 bev27429
GREAT idea. We need more resources from women who've been through the storm.