Feeling horrible every day!!
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morning ladies
Does anyone wake up in the morning feeling well? Just under 2 years since my last period and i still feel horrid most days!! Aching joints, exhausted, jittery inside, itchy, palpitations and so the list goes on. Should i still be feeling like this?
I crave for a day when i feel well!!!!
3 likes, 8 replies
supemack39 paulahove24
Hi Paula,
yes, most mornings are not good, but after taking my first hrt (I take one tab in the morning and one at night)paracetamol, mag phos, vit d, and vit b12 with my coffee, I feel better after an hour or so. I've been like this for about three years but it is becoming more manageable. Hope you find a regime for you that works. I can even get dressed without assistance now!
Pra_Adoni paulahove24
Hi Paula,
unfortunately, its not so different for me either. Most mornings I have difficulty in waking up (I'm a confirmed night owl...) and have to drag myself out of the bed.
But on the other hand, my major issue currently is insomnia and all the horrible thoughts, health scares (i almost convince myself that I will have a stroke or a heart attack or some other sudden ailment during the night) and a huge number of aches and pains that keep me from getting sleep and / or sleeping through the night.
I long for a "normal" day...heck, I would love to have a "normal" hour with the way things are going. I dont know how long I will be able to cope.
Hang in there....
staci88515 paulahove24
Mornings and evenings are the worst for me. Adrenal surges wake me around 3-4am and I usually have anxiety from this time until mid-morning. I am new to perimenopause, but it hit me hard and fast. It almost feels like having the flu everyday.
angela33631 staci88515
Stack I wake most mornings with what I too would describe as adrenaline surges. It like in my stomach like a ball then the feeling crawls up my chest and into my shoulders which feel sore. I usually have to go to the toilet afterwards.
It's like I'm terrified of something.
Is this your experience?
staci88515 angela33631
Hi Angela, for me it's like I get jolted awake with heart palpitations. I just lay there as a wave of weirdness comes over me. Sometimes it feels like a cool/tingly hot flash (I don't actually get hot). It feels more like a droning surge. Like I can feel my pulse and it is this building sensation. Very strange! I used to get nausea, but not as much anymore. I have vision issues which is my most troubling symptom.
Nettie261962 paulahove24
I always feel horrible every morning. My list:
Achy joints
Adrenaline surges
Weak muscles
Muscle spasms/ twitches/ tingling/ pain
Eyes not working right (brain not caught up with what eyes are looking at)
Proprioception issues
Balance issues/ Dizzy spells
Emotional/ irritability
Dental pain (teeth hurt)
Scalp pain/ shooting pains in head
Hot flashes
I have had tons of tests, scans, blood work and more. Nothing shows up (thank God)! This all came on in menopause. I'm 56 and started menopause when i was 48. The worst symptoms started 5 years ago. I find that getting enough rest, walking my dogs, staying involved with my hobbies, talking with close friends and this forum all really help. Hang on tight and keep on this forum for support!
staci88515 Nettie261962
I second the eyes not working right!!!
kelly55079 paulahove24
Every day is hard it seems like.. Some days when I absolutely need to stay in bed, I do. But for the most part I need to get myself up and moving. I don't feel like it BUT I do think that I'm better when I do. Stretching helps with some other floor exercises if I feel anxious or if my mind is going full-speed. I'm not into coffee but I just started and I think that also helps me. This older lady reminded me the other day that we have to keep moving cuz if we don't, that's when other things start to happen. Have you tried magnesium right before bed? Not sure but I think that has helped me get a better nights rest and achy joints..