Feeling horrible for the holidays
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So it's Christmas Eve and I'm having company today and tomorrow and I feel horrible. It's raining here and I feel lethargic, stuffy and like I can't breathe. I just want to crawl back to bed and sleep the day away. I have chronic fatigue and it's kicking my butt! I just want this holiday over....I feel like such a downer. My poor family...
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natallia04776 nancy0925
Merry Christmas!
becky53379 nancy0925
becky53379 nancy0925
valarie24431 nancy0925
kelly55079 nancy0925
I feel the same way!!! My problem is not into this holiday would rather just relax and enjoy!! I have 20 people coming over tonight which are in-laws and I just want it to be over!! My aniexty is thru the roof so right now sitting with my legs up for now.. Soon I will have a glass of wine and hope that it goes fast!! I still have to 'play santa' after kids go to bed. I bought paper plates, plastic forks and cups b-cuz I didn't want to mess with dishes!!
Merry Christmas and drink lots of hot tea today!! Maybe your company will understand and not stay as long tonight. Ask for help when you need it.
wen_54374 nancy0925
Big hugs it's terrible having to put on a face when you feel so bad I know how it feels .Take it a step at a time and steel 5 minutes every now and then to take some deep breathes The day will come and go so go with it .Hope its not as bad as you think .
valarie24431 wen_54374
jane5216 nancy0925
I so understand how you feel. If you need to, just tell everyone that you're not feeling yourself and you need to take half an hour out. I'm pretty sure they will accept and understand. If they don't understand - that is their failing not yours. Do what you need to do with grace and dignity and do not suffer under the weight of other people's expectations. My new year's resolution! Good luck xxx
carmen_22574 nancy0925
Feel better and try and push through. I feel the same way. I'm missing my mommy and wasn't really in the Christmas spirit. But I thought my mom wouldn't want me down. And my kids and husband are cheering me up. And my Dad is alive and well and is cheering me up as well. I will be praying you have a Blessed Christmas and a healthy New Year!!!
On another note have your vitamin d checked. My vitamin d was down to 13 last year and it is low again so I started taking it again. Feel better????
Thank you ladies....I postponed my plans u til Monday. My grandkids were coming but I was just not up for it. I have Epstein barr since my 20's so stress and physical exertion knocks me down. My energy is depleted. Fortunately my family understands even though I feel bad abut the change of plans. I'm so disappointed in myself...dealing with chronic fatigue and peri menopause stinks. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
carol62649 nancy0925
Dear Nancy,
i totally know how hard it is to get through the days, doing chores, looking after kids and all the othe daily grinds.
I was diagnosed with CFS in 1995, Drs didnt know why i felt so sick, they all said its in your head you cant have all these symptoms. This happened after losing my Mum, stress at work and home and catching a virus, then having a small operation. My body just crashed. So did my mind, after diagnoses i accepted this was how it was and slowly over the years i coped. Moved interstate made new friends etc, watched my daughter grow to be a caring considerate successful woman. Years went by with lots of scary health issues i coped and kept on going, smiling, happy. Till this year mmm after having my gall bladder out i crashed in a heap, anxiety, so bad, tremors in the night with the sweats, i feel a total wreck. Depression has hit now, i feel alone, as if im being judged as a loser again. This isnt me! I try to do something everyday, but this lat week as i heal from hemerhoid banding im just lazing around. Christmas has lost its glow for me this year, i am trying to see all the good around me, im seeing lovely people today they know im not 100 % i will let them spoil me. Do what you can, rest when you need it, ask for help. Dont try to push through as we both know that isnt best when you have CFS. Pace yourself be kind to yourself always. Best wishes sweetie💐
nancy0925 carol62649
Thank you Carol. It's nice hearing from another sufferer of CFS. People who have it know it's not in our heads. I work full time and this week of baking and working and wrapping gifts did me in. I did things yesterday and had to force myself to go food shopping. It sucks because I love Christmas and was looking forward to today. Sorry to hear of your troubles as well. Hopefully after resting today I will be better for christmas tomorrow. Thanks again and Merry Christmas