Feeling ill, depressed during period
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Hi ladies,
During last half a year my period changed. It is still heavy, but not as heavy as before.
However, some new symptoms appeared. For the First three to four days of my period i feel really really down. Depressed, anxious, with fears, want to cry, want to hide, feel like being ill, fainting, weak, jelly, cold, doom and gloom. It is not "bad mood", this is really terrible! And, than it is gone suddenly! I also experienced similar feeling last month during "ovulation ". Three terrible days and than suddenly i felt ok. I have no strategy how to cope with. Every month i promise I will deal with it, and every month I am simply beaten down by the symptoms.
Anyway sugestion?
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maria_03422 lena53512
Hi Lena
Im experiencing the same thing every month. I should be getting my period any day now but for me all the symptoms appear a week before! I've been feeling so anxious, sad feeling and my body is aching so bad!! Yesterday I forced my self to get up and do a few things around the house..I don't want to talk to anyone just want to be left alone!!!
Hope you feel better
gailannie lena53512
So for perimeno, do everything possible to support your body. Eat well, good multivitamin, water, get in bed and alseep by 10pm, some exercise, some time just for you. You might consider doing an estradiol blood test ON DAY 2 OR 3 OF YOUR CYCLE to see what happening. Possibly a low dose patch could supplement your own natural production.
Dear Maria and Gailannie,
Thank you for reply.
I always had pms symptoms, such as fatigue, sleepiness, heavy body, but it was nothing compared to my "new" symptoms. This is really terrible. Bodily symptoms I can somehow manage, but the psychical symptoms are really a different level. (My former pms ceased a year or so ago. )
Thanks for explanation about hormones. It makes sense.
maria_03422 lena53512
You welcome! I wish I could been of a better help! But I'm such a mess right now myself..like you I always had painful pms symptoms couple days before my period but nothing prepared me for this..it begins a week or more before and go through every symptom possible..I'm so sad this morning, tears coming down my face while I'm writing!! Went to sleep with a horrible headache and woke up with a nausea and feeling so sad. For the past 6 months i was feeling so good most of the time I'm not sure what brought this on again!!! I guess it would never go away!!!
Hope you feeling better today.
lena53512 maria_03422
Hi Maria, I hope you feel better now.
I had my worst pms between 30 and 40, mostly I was very tired, with "heavy " body, craving for sweets. I also had some light panic attacts, especially a day before the period. But nothing serious. Usually going to cinema, dining out, etc.helped.
But the owerhelming feeling of doom and gloom during my period now is so terrible. And nothing helps. The combination of physical and psychical symptoms is beyond words.
I hope you are well!