Feeling increasingly bloated

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I have been menopausal for about 8-9 months now, and before that I had lost some weight and found it relatively easy to keep it off as long as I ate healthily.  In the last few months I have been getting increasingly bloated and saggy around my abdomen, even though my diet has become very strict, and I have tried so much to lose weight. I eat considerably less than the recommended calories for women each day, and eat hardly any fat or meat or sweet foods or choclate.

It seems to make no difference. I have been tested for cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, polyps etc, and have only got a very small polyp.

Is this common - I mean to just lose muscle tone and become saggy during menopause?

It's driving me mad. I feel hungry most of the time! I have been tested for hypothyroidism several times. I was diagnosed with it about 18 months ago, and was put on thyroxin, but then started feeling very hyper. I cam off the tablets, and ever since then, my tests have shown I havent got hypothyroidism anymore, so I'm totally  exasperated with all of this.

Do I just have to spend six hours a day in the gym?!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I think going to the gym might make you feel worse, try gentler exercises, beginners yoga, swimming (but not GALA style)

    I know it's horrid neutral

    walking in the fresh air and drink lots of water

                                        Mrs M wink 

  • Posted

    I have bloat too, but lost weight in my arms and legs. I did get some of my weight back but not all of it. Had to buy all new tops for winter. I was tested for my thyroid as well with regard to the wright loss. All was normal there too. I can stand to lose weight that's for sure, but didn't want to lose it this way. I didn't want to buy new clothes, but had to since all my tops were baggy on me. People say I look great, but I feel like I have something wrong with me still. All tests since April have come out negative. I even went do far as to have an enlargedclhmph node removed from my neck because I thought I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Luckily I don't. The anxiety HSS oadt some but still get a little depressed from time to time. Its all been very awful, and no one understands or seems to be going through it the same as me. St least not my friends are. They just have mild symptoms like hot flashes and weight gain. Not loss. My gyno even told me you don't lose weight during menopause you gain it. I probably put on 10 over the past yesr but then all of a sudden I started losing it. Hard to keep it on do I just eat whatever just to gain it back in the hopes I get almost back where I was 7 mos. ago when this all started.

    That's all. Thanks for listening. So glad I found this forum. Nice to see I'm not alone in this peri-menopsuse. Getting great advice too.

  • Posted

    Same here. My doctor said when we age, our fat redistributes. We used to carry it in our hips and thighs and now it goes to our tummies. She said it's just increasingly hard and our metabolism slows down too. You don't need to starve yourself. That causes your body to hold onto the fat because it's starving. Eat a lot of protein. Also, make sure you're doing cardio exercises and change up your workout routine.
  • Posted

    Ursula, I have found it much harder to lose weight once I hit 50, I did lose 20 pounds a year ago basically my stomach was bothering me constantly and thats why, when my stomach issues cleared up and I started eating normally it came back. I have a saggy stomach too, I am focusing on the following: Eliminating gluten, loading up on salads and protein, and exercise at least 5 times a week and thats it.
  • Posted

    Same here, have put on two stones. Taking thyroxine, swimming almost every day, very active and cannot budge the weight. I weep inside evry time I think about it, really getting me down. 
    • Posted

      Thanks everyone for your replies. I actually saw my doctor this morning and she said that feeling bloated in the menopause is very common. I do have a small polyp, so she is referring me to possibly have it removed to be on the safe side.  Maybe that will make a difference. 

      I havent gained weight luckily, but it does seem to have redistributed itself like some of you say.

  • Posted

    Bloating has been really annoying me. This week I have not eaten bread, I only eat sourdough and we did not have any and I did not pass the bakers. Oh my the difference, the bloat has gone. Now I do also have my period (second this month) so the hormones could really be playing a big part but I am staying off bread for a couple more weeks to see what happens.
    • Posted

      I do eat bread, - just homemade wholemeal bread, which I I would find very hard to do without. It helps my digestion and I think helps to ward of IBS which I do sometimes get, and have got very bad at time for nearly 30 years. 

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