Feeling just fine one minute, then BAM CRYING/SAD...
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Anyone feel like your doing ok for a bit, then bamm CRYING and sadness just comes out of nowhere!!!! What on earth do you do to bring yourselves out of your funk... When it hits you... Having a crap day 😢
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2chr2015 Gypsy014
Awe Gypsy. This sucks. I felt fine this morning. Now I'm in bed. Just hasn't been a good month for me. I am so ready to get out of this funk I'm in. Only thing I know to do is watch tv. Sometimes it distracts me. I just do that until I fall asleep
Gypsy014 2chr2015
Thanks 2chr, me too ready to get out of this funk.. Seems like all I ever do is hop into bed and watch tv and call it a night!! Which is what I'm going to do right now and watch a good movie, and maybe get my mind off everything negative for a while.. And it's gloomy and pouring rain here so nothing else to do ha!!! Bad month for me too, hope your feeling much better soon?
sharPharmD Gypsy014
Gypsy014 sharPharmD
Thanks sharpharmd for sharing, not sure if bios would be good for me with family history of breast cancer, and I too had hysterectomy with ovaries left..so who knows how long I've actually been in peri, wish there were better ways of knowing for us ladies who don't get a monthly period to know, it's frusterating as we just get symptoms but no bleed, so we have know way of knowing when we cross over into menopause..Well hope things get better soon. Thank you?
michelleds Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy, Sorry you feel that way. I get that way too at times. Plus, there are so many things in the world right now, in life, to be sad about.
What helps me out of a funk is my dog. I have to get dressed, take her out, and walk every day. Playing with her always makes me smile.
Another thing that helps me is dancing. As long as I can do some physical movement, I feel better. There's also deep breathing, which helps, doing an art project is nice, too. Practicing self-care is important.
Hope you have a better day.
Gypsy014 michelleds