Feeling Lost

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Hi All, I had my Gallbladder out literally a week ago today. I have so much pressure from the air I guess but it is worse in the morning right after waking up? Also, I tried eating a burger today, and oh man that was a mistake, I truly think a plant based lifestyle is going to be truly the way to go for me. I really wish I wouldn't have taken out my whole gall bladder and just the 25mm stone. But I also didn't want to continue having surgery to remove stones, so yeah, now I am converting my lifestyle to fit my needs. I really hope the bloating goes away. One major thing I will miss the most is the baked foods. I LOVE to bake and now I feel like if I do it will all have to be vegan baking so there isn't any bad fats. Good luck out there guys and I hope everyone starts to heal.


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4 Replies

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    I will tell you I was diagnosed with Addison's disease. I had it for nearly 6 years. I was told I would have it the rest of my life. A year and a half ago I decided to stop eating meat as I'am a huge animal lover, never even putting much consideration into the health aspect. After omitting all meat except fish from my diet, I'am now free of Addisons my body is making cortisone on its on!! I share this because I truly believe that whatever disease or ailment one suffers from, a plant based diet will only GREATLY benefit it. Humans are not naturally meant to consume animal products. Any questions I would be happy to answer. Take care. 

    • Posted

      I don't think I quite agree with human digestive system not intended to eat meat. Our digestive system is more than capable of handling animal proteins. It's probably not capable of handling it in the amounts people tend to consume! The problem is that most people don't eat in moderation.

      Also, the problem is in how we have altered our food supply recently with all of our engineered foods. The animals are being given diets which were never intended. Cattle are supposed to eat vegetation, but instead are behind fed grains and animal byproduct. Chickens are supposed to eat bugs and stuff, but they feed them grain. Even farm raised fish are fed unnatural diets.

      People are intended to consume animal protein, but not the garbage available to us at most grocery stores.

      The other type of food that is very new to or food supply is all this processed foods. Humans have been consuming non-processed foods since they began eating, and it is only in the last 100 years we have been consuming high amounts of boxed engineered foods filled with all kinds of preservatives.

      Allergies, autism, autoimmune disease, digestive diseases etc. are at all time highs, and these rates of increases can be directly linked to the rate of increased processed foods in our diets.

      Throw out processed foods...., if the food you're eating doesn't expire in less than 30 days, then don't eat it....

    • Posted

      Hi teswanson,

      You are exactly right. Humans are fit to to eat anything, but nowadays the chickens are made to grown in 2 weeks which should be 45days if it is natural. They are separated by egg only chickens and for meat. which really sucks. Similarly the milks as well. So the foods around us are not real as 100yrs before seems we should cultivate our own food like people many years before.

  • Posted

    Having been there and done this gallbaldder experience, keep the food light for a few weeks yet, then you can start to re-introduce all your normal foods.

    Dr's told me I would have to have no fat, or I would feel terrible, surgery has made no differnce, to my diet after recovery period.

    Only things that seem to dis-agree with me, is too much sugar, pavlova with cream, have to go easy on that, and pork chops, would love a great big pork roast with roast veges, but also find that my system doesn't like it very much, feel really billious with those fat items but most the rest OK.

    Im sure you will also find with time you too will be fine.

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