Feeling lost, in limbo and have no idea what I want to do :-(

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Hi Ladies,

I hope that this post finds you all well and coping with your symptoms the best way you can. I haven't posted for a while, I seemed to feel not to bad but the last few days my "period " for want of a better word started and since then this feeling of complete helplessness and fatigue have hit me like a ton of bricks.

My husband works all day and I stay at home but starting to look for part time work, he comes home pretty tired and sometimes completely loses it.... I'm tired all the time, I'm tired of feeling like this, tired of telling my husband that I don't feel well and I'm sure he's tired of me telling him about another perimenopause symptom that I've got.

I have no motivation, no friends to talk this over with and I feel like I'm in limbo, I just don't know what I want to do.....I just feel lost!

Apologies for the rant!


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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Don't apologize Anna. There are so many of us on here like you. I understand everything you are talking about. I am so tired of being tired and my husband doesn't understand why I'm so tired, bc I sure don't do all the stuff I used to. I've thought about getting a pt job also..maybe keep my mind busy and from ruminating so much. The ladies on here are the only friends i have to talk to about this stuff. I wish I could find some motivation somewhere. It's just pure depression. Are you saying that these feelings came along with your period?

    • Posted

      Hi there,

      Thanks for your post. These feelings come on about a week before and during my "period" and can last a week or so depending on how long my "period " lasts which could be 7 days to just over 2 weeks then just when I think it's over I start bleeding again... I Don't tell my husband every little thing about how I'm feeling as I'm sure he wouldn't understand.

  • Posted

    My sympathies. I don't feel well most of the time, but at least I don't have a husband breathing down my throat, or kids! I suddenly feel very fortunate.

    cyber hugs to all you lovely ladies.  

  • Posted

    Stay close to this blog.  You will receive empathy and support.  Just tell your husband how much you love and appreciate him.
  • Posted

    Hi Anna...its Janine on the GC. I could have written that! I feel the same. And no one I know is going through it so on my own too sad

    I struggle working part time but need to for the bills. My husband is pretty supportive but gets sick of hearing me complain....he says I always feel sick....which is true. I start thinking I must have some hidden illness but all my bloods are good.

    It sucks feeling like this...as if we want to feel bad all the time!!

    Take care and if you are having a rough time send me a message...don't they say misery likes company lol smile

    • Posted

      Hi Janine,

      Thanks so much for your post, apologies for not getting back to you sooner. Yes, it does feel like you're constantly sick, it's like you just don't feel right but can't exactly put your finger on it.... gotta love these hormones NOT!!! Will take you up on your offer and message you. Thanks so much again. Chat soon, take care


  • Posted

    Its good this site to have chats with about our lady problems. I feel im not so alone now. My husband is very understanding and works nights and he helps me out if i need anything done if i cant manage it myself., i too am exhausted most times and suffer insomina cos of my hot flushes night sweats. I take our dog out which is therapeutic for me. I did have a part time job but gave it up cos of being so tired and cant concentrate properly and dealing with hot flushes during day which affects me especially if iget one when out shopping i have to leave the shop. I do Avon now and i can do this as its more flexible for me. I know eventually our symptoms will stop and we will be able to enjoy our life again.
  • Posted

    Hi Anna, hopefully you're taking vitamin D3, and a multivitamin? Those two usually help with motivation and low energy. Hope this helps.

  • Posted

    gosh anna! this is so familiar.  But it will get better over time. You just have to keep fighting the feelings.  Don't let it consume you.  I agree with sochima about taking vit D3 but the rest you will have to keep fighting on.  It lifts, the tiredness and everything else over time.  Just tell you're husband that it gets better slowly everyday, but will take some time and you will be back to how you were.  Don't tell him every symptom, men can't handle that.  

    • Posted

      Wise woman Metamorphic. You are right Men can't handle it. What can they handle? !

    • Posted

      Not a lot lol

      Thats why we give birth not men.

      Seriously if men experienced Men-opause...there would be a cure by now!

    • Posted

      Absolutely agree metamorphed, men can't handle women's stuff or only in small doses, I think they tune out after a while.... yet with every ache or headache men feel like they are dying!!!

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