Feeling miserable
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I am due on any time soon and also have dental problems which are causing me pain but my dentist is on holiday until next week. I am feeling really low and weepy, please pray for me if you have a faith, I am hanging onto God by a thread it feels. Thank you ladies, I am so grateful for this site and all of you.
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MrsMerm ruth24048
my faith in God is a strong one but I too have felt so depressed this christmas. I caught a cold which made me feel worse (low resistence and I believe this hasn't helped).
This time of year can be very hard for some of us, we contemplate and ponder about our existence (well I do)
I feel very lonely and would like some much needed sunshine
I will pray for you Ruth and hope you will soon feel better darling, try watching Joyce Meyer and 700 club, brilliant for boosting a christian's faith
Mrs M x
ruth24048 MrsMerm
love Ruth
lesley26791 ruth24048
michelle50768 lesley26791
michelle50768 ruth24048
im also a Christian but my faith has truly been tried this last eight years of perimenopause.
Like mrs merm suggested joyce meyer but also I find norman Vincent peale books very encouraging. Power of positive thinking being one of them. He is a Christian author.
I will also pray for you. Remember I can do all things through christ who strengthen me! !!
Feel better soon hun x
ruth24048 michelle50768
MrsMerm michelle50768
Mrs M x
ruth24048 MrsMerm
michelle50768 MrsMerm
michelle50768 ruth24048
enid97234 ruth24048
I know a little of how you must feel as you have pain both ends poor girl! I only
wish I was still having periods in hindsight, as not been well since my GP stopped the HRT at 61 in order to stop my periods and have had dreadful symtoms ever since and I am now 74. But if anyone tries to persuade you to take Natural Hormonial Cream then PLEASE DO NOT as since using it for a few weeks I feel my head does not belong to my body and the hot and cold sweats are worse than ever and I don't know if its the Cream or if I have Diabetes and afraid of eating at the moment for fear its Diabetes, and like yourself, I do not see a Doctor until 11 Jan as do not like to call them out. What bothers me most is a stroke as completely alone and my Mother had several but luckily she had me to check up on her in time. What about praying for each other? and do get the old hotwater bottle out and wrap it in a towel my dear for the toothache and backache, worth a try honey! Wishing you all a better New Year, Love, Aunty Enid x
misty36246 ruth24048