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I just want to Thank God for this recovery. I feel so much better, my chest does not hurt, I can walk and lay down with out being SOB or having chest pains. I was able to return to work the 20th of this month work full time still. My goals are to make sure I take care of myself, not missing my medication dosage and I'm going to try to lose a few pounds. I'm praying this does not reoccur in my lifetime and I pray everyone else gets stronger and better!! I appreciate all the feed back with the open discussions! Being able to talk with ppl whose been in my shoes and already knew what to expect and could give me a few pointers well a great way to cope with this diagnose. I am still on Eliquis for 3 months until my next doctor visit. So pray for me you guys! Pray that all goes well!

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, that would be great if you could get off the meds but you don't want to get PEs back again.  I am on for life.🙁🙁🙁

    • Posted

      I pray I do get off and they don’t form again. I read you said you had hundreds of them, did they keep coming back?
    • Posted

      Haven't had any new ones but I am on lifelong Warfarin.  I believe God was not finished with me yet and  sent the right Doctor at the right time to listen to me.

  • Posted

    This is great! I wish you all the best with your recovery.
  • Posted

    Hi tnshia

    I am really happy for u beleive me God is there for us! I'm sure u will Take Off like me! And get better and better


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