Feeling nauseous for 3 days in a row?

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I'm a 16 year old female, and I've been feeling nauseous for about 3 days in a row now. I'm definitely not pregnant, and it's not food poisoning, as I'm not actually throwing up, and it's got nothing to do with alcohol. I haven't tried taking any medications l, as I don't know what to try, but I'm quite worried as to what could it be?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I wouldn't worry at this point. I have had a stomach virus when I was your age and I was nauseated for more than two weeks with vomiting as well. I got better. If it continues for a long time and you have other symptoms like fever and mailase then it is time to get help for it. Most likely it is a stomach bug of some kind. Hang in there it will get better.
  • Posted

    Hello there. I've heard ginger is good for nauseousness eg. ginger tea , ginger biscuits, even some ginger itself! I agree - if it persists, please get it checked out by a Dr.
  • Posted

    Nausea can be caused by hormonal changes, too much acid in your stomach or a variety of viruses that are always going around. 3 days isn't too long for any of those reasons. Which foods or activites have you found calm it down?

    For example if dairy helps like yogurt or milk, it may be acidity level and at your age I doubt it would be a chronic problem so taking Tums for a couple of days will fix that up or even some pepto.

    Depending on your periods your doctor may put you on birth control. I had very irregular periods at your age with terrible cramps and other stomach problems. My doctor put me on birth control for about 3 months if I remember correctly and it helped a lot with both.

    Viruses tend to run their course but things like crackers and ginger ale help.

  • Posted

    I am having the same issue right now. Mild nausea for 3 days now. No other symptoms.
    • Posted

      Can I ask if this was a virus or if you got to the bottom of this. My daughter is 19 and been Nausea for three days now. would like to know if it is a virus going around or some

      thing else

  • Posted

    I know this is late but this is happening to me right now. It's been my 2nd day with this nauseous feeling. Do you how long it took for it to go away? Will I actually throw up?

    • Posted

      Hi are you still feeling nauseous? I've been feeling this way the past three days.

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