Feeling not my self and tearful

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Morning you lovely people,

I was wondering how you feel when you first wake up and the symptoms you are all dealing with this horrendous menopause. 

I have been waking up lately just so tearful and down and not my once lovely self. The other morning I  just cried my eyes out and I wasn’t even sure why.  I hate being like this. 

That’s just one of the symptoms along with hot flushes, dry mouth, struggling with weight loss, headaches, aches and pains and the worse of all terrible anxiety.l, always thinking something terrible is going too happen. Anyone else having similar symptoms. I feel so alone and going out of my mind. Is there anything naturally I can do to help. 

Thank you in advance. 

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Julie

    Your symptoms are so like mine . Only the last week or so have I not wanted to get out of bed let alone go outside . I've been scared and convinced myself I won't see christmas .

    I've also lost weight and get aches ,pains in places I didn't think possible 😣. I am on HRT as I couldn't cope any longer . I also take several vitamins daily. One in particular has made a difference (starflower)

    This forum has saved me from going insane with worry . Sending hugs 😊

    • Posted

      Hi Samantha, thank you so much for replying.  How do you find HRT has it been a great help?

      Is starflower herbal?

      Sending you hugs back too.xx

    • Posted

      Hi Julie

      It's my second attempt at HRT. First time round I didn't feel it was suiting me so I stopped taking it . I started taking it again about 2 month ago . I think it's kicked in and I'm now feeling less tired .

      Star flower contains vitamin E this helps protect cells from oxidative stress. I've been taking these for a month now . I think at last everything has started to work as I do feel more like myself today . Even went a walk which yesterday I couldn't have done as I slept and cried and hurt and worried so much . So here's hoping . Sending hugs . I will keep you posted .

  • Posted

    Dear Julie

    So sorry you are feeling like this. I too went through this stage and the mornings were the worst. These dark evenings dont help either. There were times that I didnt want to get out of bed. I suffered bad health anxiety and suffered weight loss (had gastitis) which made me worry more. I will say it does get better (I am two years post meno) I still get anxious but thankfully not as bad. Unfortunately it seems to be common to have all this in peri/meno and it can feel a lonely place at times x

    • Posted

      Aww thank you so much for replying. I have been post menopause for few years now and each day doesn’t seem to get better but I do believe in light at the end of the tunnel. Hugs to you xx
  • Posted

    Hello, Julie,

    First, I am sorry you are feeling this way.  You are describing how I feel much of the time.  When I wake up in the morning (after having a usual night of waking every hour), I have this persistent feeling of sadness and fear.  This anxiety and feeling of impending doom stays with me throughout the morning and sometimes throughout the day.  I do not feel like myself and it's extremely frustrating and sometimes terrifying.  These feelings cause me to feel very alone.  

    I have visited my doctor and told her of my symptoms.  She has done a lot of testing and I will have my follow up visit in a few days.  She told me I am perimenopausal and the symptoms I am feeling are quite normal, most likely due to extremely low levels of progesterone.  I will be discussing some options with her about what I can do to feel better.  In the meantime, I am taking supplements such as vitamin D and magnesium.  I have also eliminated dairy and gluten from my diet based on some allergy testing.  I was not fully allergic to these things, but my doctor felt that elimating them would help with inflammation and help with overall symptoms.  I have only been on this regimen for about 7 weeks; I do find that my digestion and other belly issues have improved.  However, the anxiety and not feeling like myself has not improved much.  

    I wanted to write and let you know you are definitely not alone.  Please understand these are symptoms of peri and that many women experience what you and I are feeling.  I find the support from this forum to be extraordinarily helpful.  By reading all the posts here, I do know that this will get better.  There are things you can do that may help you feel better: set up an appointment with your GP or other healthcare provider and fully explain your symptoms and ask what may be done to help you, eat a healthy diet, take regular walks or do some other exercise that you enjoy, practice breathing techniques and meditation and take time for yourself.  Remember that you will get through this and you will feel better.  I tell myself this everyday.  

    Please take care and keep me posted on how you're doing--remember you are not alone!  Big hugs--Sarah

    • Posted

      Hi Sarah,

      Thank you so much for replying. I am so sorry to hear you too are feeling this way. I do hope things improve for you and things get better and you start to feel like yourself again. Big hugs to you too. Keep in touch. Take care xx

  • Posted

    HI Julie I feel exactly the same I cry at the most stupid things which can become embarrassing, I worry about everything I tried to explain to my partner yesterday how I feel and the only way I can describe it is that I’ve got 2 heads one is my negative head and the other my positive one , and they battle against each other all the time with the negative one winning all the time ... I can be upset about something that hasn’t even happened it’s a horrid feeling and very tiring I find walking on my days off helps so much we have woods near us and I walk them but then I worry in case something happens to me in the woods and I’m not found ..... I’ve got more positive thoughts today which enables me to write this... I’ve been taking flaxseeds which I think is helping I’ve been on them for a good few months it’s worth a try and at this stage we have nothing to lose and everything to gain if it works ... this peri is awlful but then us women all have to go through it .... probably why is women endure it because no guy could do it take care your never alone ... especially if you feel like me with 2 heads never a dull moment 😂x

    • Posted

      Hi Jan

      Thank you so much for replying. This menopaus is horrendous. So sorry you too feel like this. I do hope things improve for you too. I will try to

      Improve with exercise and foods. I do

      Anything to help. All the best. Xx

  • Posted

    I can't believe how much I cry and worry about people leaving me. I'm paranoid and anxious constantly. I tell my husband I just want to die because I feel like I'm being a burden to everybody with all this anxiety and not wanting to do anything except lie around and be depressed. He tells me constantly that everybody loves me no matter what and that helps, but then I start crying over that because I feel guilty that I'm not doing enough to deserve all their love. I'm just a mess I know. But I notice the more he tells me he loves me the better I feel. But then he has to tell me all over again the next day. Poor guy!!!

    • Posted

      Hi Laura, thanks for replying. I understand totally how you feel and how tearful you are. Sometimes we just need reassuring and that makes us feel better. Sounds like you have a good guy there. Take care and big hugs. Xx
    • Posted

      Hi Laura this is exactly how I feel it seems to come in waves and it’s a big wave at the moment . Did you take any supplements - I’m trying black cososh - I would try anything at the moment 

      Hope things have improved for you 

  • Posted

    Hi Julie when I wake up in the morning I would say I don't feel good at all I'm slightly hot it seems I'm having some kind of adrenalin rushes like something wouldn't let me drop and when I do I wake up then drift back off and wake up with a awful feeling of some kind can't explain it in detail, earlier this year it was panic attacks in bed and a frighten feeling now it seems to want to come back I'm fed up with it because I would just love to have that feeling of looking forward to my bed with a good night sleep and Anxiety taking over...I hope you feel better very soon we are all in it together.

    • Posted

      Hi Maria, thanks for replying and sorry to hear you too are feeling this way. I can

      Completely relate to how you are feeling. I too suffer with anxiety and

      I am trying not to let it take

      Over my life. Easier said than done though. When I feel a panic coming on I try to distract myself away from the situation which sometimes not always works, like do some exercise

      Or something. Hope things improve.  Big hugs to you. Xx

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