Feeling of Depression
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I am getting so depressed from dealing with these symptoms. Why is it that I'm feeling ok at one moment and the next it all comes back. My hormones has to be extremely low..these hot flashes are really getting to me. My digestion is so messed up, just pressing on my stomach gives me a hot flash along with heart palpitations. I hate the way that im looking..i look so old, skinny and fragile. I know most of the women are gaining weight, what i would give to gain a few pounds. I've lost so much weight and can't gain any back because I can't eat the foods i want. If i attempt to eat sweets or carbs the candida goes overboard and hot flashes. I have so much going on... so depressing watching others by-passing all this misery. 😢
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lina19 mary27278
i was in a similar situation. i cooked n soaked rice in water, the previous night. i drank the water and chewed the rice thoroughly, first thing the next morning, daily. it helped me a lot. it is said to contain vitamin B12 and other minerals when soaked overnight and helps with boosting energy n improve gut health.
sakura26 mary27278
Hang in there! I hope you are checking with your doctor on your weight loss. I have to tell you turning into a fat whale that looks pregnant but too old to be pregnant wouldn't make you feel any better or more attractive. I've been starving myself for nothing it seems. But if you are getting too think that's not good, see if your doctor can help or give you a diet to fatten you up. I really hope doctors will start taking this more seriously and research better options to help all of us. I wonder if writing a letter to the surgeon general would help? I don't even know where to begin myself. I wonder if Europe has better options?
mary27278 sakura26
Doctors are useless to me. I've spent so much money on doctors till it's a joke now. There way of helping me is prescribing anxiety meds. My weight loss is coming from candida and gut issues. Not being able to eat the foods i want. I also had heavy metal toxicity and just spent tons of money removing the amalgams fillings from my mouth. So you see I have a few other things going on ..but all came during perimenopause.
lori93950 mary27278
well i went on hornones for 8-9 months i gained 40lbs and i was 110 lbs so let me say id rather go through a few hot flashes than being FAT !! there is nothing more depressing when you have closets full of clothes that do not fit and the amount of cellulite! disgusting ! i was super super fit no fat at all . so if you want to gain weight .. go on hormones !
sakura26 lori93950
I TOTALLY hear you!!!! I'm same. I supposedly had uber low progesterone yet for some reason taking more made me GAIN a ton of weight. Doctors have NO CLUE how to balance our hormones. Can't fit in ANY clothes. Wearing same pair of fat pants every day. I was a size 4/6 now am a 10 barely. Giant boobs too, so bras don't fit either. And I've always been paleo but now gone strict Keto, fasting, the works and barely losing weight. 😦 Plus giant fibroid thanks to hormone induced growth so hard to exercise and look extra pregnant and weird. I would rather be too thin for sure lol. And sick of women I know that say menopause is a breeze for them and no issues. I'm going to try the hormone fix book which is a keto green diet. I'll let you know if it miraculously works ...
mary27278 lori93950
I hear you Lori but it's depressing to want to gain but can't. I cant stand the looks I get from my friends or people I know..like " what happened to you. " I was also small to begin with now im even smaller. Im weighting 106. Last year my Dr put me on anxiety meds to help me gain and I managed to get to.118.. after eating whatever. Now my diet consist of veggies, no sweets at all, no carbs only brown rice, organic chicken, organic oatmeal for breakfast and water . I've always eaten pretty healthy before peri and I've always maintain my weight by watching what I eat. but now i want to eat sweets, carbs, or whatever just to gain but the symptoms I get won't allow me to.
sakura26 mary27278
Mary I had candida when I was younger (teens) and went Paleo from then on. Can you add a ton of extra healthy fats to your diet and try to gain that way? Coconut, nut butters, grass fed meats. Even when I was younger if I ate too much nut butter and creamy full coconut milk I would gain weight. You can make a really delicious shake for yourself with full fat coconut milk, protein powder, flaxeed fiber, greens and healthy sweetners like stevia, erythritol etc.
kelly55079 mary27278
Yes.. I know it's all these things that get us down and at times it's hard to get thru. I too look very old-- it's my hair and a friend (not sure--lol) told me the other day I need a different hairstyle.r. wish I had thick nice hair. I'm struggling with getting the weight off and now for some reason my foot is hurting as I walk.. Very sad as I need my feet and just something else to deal with. And my period is due next week so that means another 2 weeks wasted dealing with that.. All we can do is keep moving and do the best we can to help ourselves.
Guest mary27278
hello, i too have lost way too much weight!! i feel so sick all of the time. im so tired of it, yesterday i finally had a day where i didnt feel nauseous. i felt a little strange headwise but other than that i ate pretty good. Then i go to bed around 10....low and behold i woke up at midnight so nauseous i thought i was going to vomit! I stayed up for a half hour just in case i had to, but finally i went back to bed. I woke up at 6am just feeling blah, no appetite all day, tired and dizzy. Its 3:30pm amd i still feel sick...i couldnt eat all day. When i feel this way i just want to die! im jealous of all the ladies who just want to eat constantly....i weigh 93 damn pounds now! This is torture...im really thinking if trying another antidepressant, i have become agoraphobic since this hormone s**t began. i havent had a period now since Feb but i can honestly say im not feeling any better