Feeling of nausea
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please can anyone explain to me what is the hot flashes and does it accompanied by nausea and dizziness .my period is not regular any more ,52 years old is the menopausel time .i m extremely scared I don t know if what I m going through is the menopause or have something else .my blood test is normal ,my Brain MRI is normal too but I have H pylori and dr gave me medications .i m very confused and very frightened .i ve panic attack since yrs but was controlled .everything is vague .
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kim74983 randa_99573
my hot flashes happen in early morning. you feel like your burning from the inside out in your chest. i would get nauseous and then chills and anxiety. i read putting a cold wash cloth on your back neck helps bring body temp down quicker and help. i do that and seems to help. good luck i hopr u feel better!
randa_99573 kim74983
i m on on a combination of medications to treat the H pylori bacteria
one of them is acid reflux med .once I ve the nausea i feel very worried and anxious .
thanks for your valuable advice .
i wish you too get better very soon .
kind regards
Jokey randa_99573
We have been trying to work it out Randa as a lot of us seem to be experiencing
these same symptoms as you. You are definely going through the
menapause so don't worry about that.
What we all have to do now is work out how we deal with all these pesky
symptoms. I am confident we can all help each other on here, so keep
posting, at least we can whinge, have a laugh and maybe even come up
with some relief if not a remedy??
randa_99573 Jokey
Hi jokey
l m trying to cop with these new symptoms but I can t believe it's because of menopause ,I m afraid to have something more serious .i me really scared.
kind regards
Actiquser randa_99573
Hi Randa, I had these symptoms too and they were all put down to the menopause as a result my cancer went untreated for 2 years.
So if in doubt make sure you get a thorough examination to rule out more seroius illness. Better safe than sorry but it is more likely to be the menopause. My doctor never gave me a full exam until it was too late.
A simple examination in my case would have shown a bulky uterus that needed investigation. So it doesn't need to be an MRI etc. a simple examination by the GP should be able to set your mind at ease.
Jokey randa_99573
Randa I really don't think you should be worrying like this.
You have had the tests which are clear, I am not sure what it is
you are taking the meds for but at 52 you are the right age to
be experiencing these symptoms that are all signs of menopause.
The fact that you are feeling very scared ties in with the anxiety
that you are feeling and this, as you have maybe read on other
posts, is a big part of menapause. The anxiety may be giving you
irrational fears and thoughts. A lot of us have had it or are still
getting it and we know how it feels and it is extremely upsetting.
I think maybe, Randa you would benefit from talking to a counceller.
I am not sure where you live but in UK you can refer yourself to a
counceller via doctors surgery.
Why don't you give that a try I think you may find it beneficial.
Let us all know how you get on and try to stay calm if you can.
All my very best to you?
randa_99573 Jokey
i m trying to calm down but the symptoms I have make me very sick and staying in bed .i wish it is menopausel symptom .
best regards
Jokey randa_99573
I think you should speak to your doctor again. You can't go on like this.
Do you have someone who could get in touch with the surgery for you?
Don't be afraid do it today, then you can feel better as soon as possible.
theresa25431 randa_99573
I am also 52 Ihave IBS but my periods are 2 months nothing and then it starts again .I went for my yearly female check up yesterday. I have been getting very nausea and very gassy. I take nexium does nothing for me any more she told me Im going through pre menapause and its awful. If I could get rid of the nausea I would feel so much better she put me on zolfot 25 mg the lowest dose started it this morning so Im praying it helps and I also get so hot I cant stand it so your not alone.
randa_99573 theresa25431
I wish this Medication will help you .about me I m scared ,the nausea and dizziness kept me of getting up the bed .do you think the symptoms is severe like what I ve .i m afraid and thinking of bad scanario.
kind regards
pinkcatfairy randa_99573
Yes I had nausea with the hot flushes and then the health anxiety kicks in and makes you think you have some terrible disease, in peri I went through a wierd stage of checking my body and thinking every lump and bump was something terrible, it is wierd how it plays on your mind in peri. I did have gastitis in peri due to the added reflux and I felt sick and lost my appetite and lost weight, that was it I thought it was the end. I am now trying to lose weight as I have now gained it, hang in there. This day will pass as they say x
randa_99573 pinkcatfairy
I feel terrible and think of very bad scanario .
i m afraid and can t go out of the house .
for how long did you feel those symptoms.
thanks for answering
kind regards
theresa25431 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy I sure hope your right.The nausea is the worst and being gassy and I get forgetful I hope all this gets better soon thinking positive thoughts.
pinkcatfairy randa_99573
Dear randa
I too am 52, around 51 things started to change, the firat thing were my periods, gastric trouble in peri is one of the many symptoms we can experience. My gastitis went on for a few months. I felt sick and lost weight. It is a horrible time and I know how you must be feeling. I have been affected mentally too with panic and anxiety but I take a multivitamin for over 50's and that has helped settled my anxiety, please remember you are not alone in feeling this way.