Feeling of seasickness
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Does anyone get this churning , unsettled feeling in their stomach ? It also feels full at times . I can cope with most symptoms , but this one I find hard to deal with . I am due on anytime and woke up with a bad head as well. This sends my anxiety into overdrive also . I get the achy wrists and left knee which I understand is to do with peri . This past few days as well , on and off , I have had a slight feeling of being off balance and blurry vision briefly . Is this normal ? Yesterday I was so hot after doing a bit of housework I had to sit and cool off . I feel like an old crock . Hugs to everyone jane
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Woo3353 jane63977
Sounds like you are experiencing anxiety & panic just like I get. Peri is not nice for vast majority of people but like I say to myself, it won't last forever. Inot the end I had to relent and take prozac but it has enabled me too get into perspective what is happening to me instead of feeding my anxiety by thinking the worse of my peri symptoms , I also use self hypnotherapy which has been fabulous. I also take Magnesium & Zinc. make sure you are getting enough b vitimans also. Keep positive
Mar1234567 jane63977
Yes I feel nauseous and have sour stomach at times. When this first happened I thought I was suffering from a stomach bug but my test came back clear. I also get the dizziness and blurred vision. When these symptoms first started appearing I didn't know what was happening. I only thought hot flashes and night sweats only occured during perimenopause not all these other crazy symptoms. My primary physician couldn't piece together considering my age 44 that the cause of my symptoms were perimenopause.
Tray1971 jane63977
jane63977 Tray1971
Looks like we're all in this together ! At least when we can all compare our symptoms firstly we know that the things were experiencing are perfectly normal and secondly we are not going mad . It isn't easy going on day to day feeling like this , but hopefully we can all muddle through . I've seemed to have gone from being healthy , happy and carefree to what I am today . The past year for me for has been pretty horrendous following the death of my mum last June from when I seemed to go down hill quickly . This is when a lot of my symptoms started chest pain for which I went to A&E and was given the all clear , anxiety , general aches and pains , stomach issues , you name it I seem to have had it ! I've even had an internal scan as they thought I might have fibroids , but fortunately I haven't . I was anaemic it seems due to heavier periods , but I'm now on tablets to lessen the bleeding . The doctors have all said that this has all been down to grief , depression and my age , but never mentioned peri , but through looking on this website a lot of my symptoms seem to fit . Take care everyone love Jane
sue58256 jane63977
pinkcatfairy jane63977
Yes nausea, bad head, joints etc and blurry watery eyes, just some of meno symptoms x