Feeling off
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Hello there . Today I’m just not feeling right . So , it’s coming up to my period next week some time . It’s my day off work today , but I don’t feel like doing anything . I just don’t feel right . Does this make sense to anyone ? Can’t put my finger on it . Generally under the weather , depressed , a bit achy , slight headache . I generally get a migraine before or during a period . I am 50 and have been having peri symptoms for nearly three years . Is this normal ? Thoughts please X
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Mars777 jane63977
Hi jane, yes sounds right to me! I got those days often but didn't realise it was to do with menopause. I am now post meno pause with this came worse symptoms .. now on HRT best thing ever. Not everyone gets worse but quite a few people on here have.
That’s reassuring 🤣
2chr2015 jane63977
Gypsy014 jane63977
Hi Jane~ what are your peri symptoms that you've had for these last 3 years? I know I feel off too its all part of it for me, and I get the migraines also NOT good I'm afraid, they last for 3 LONG days.. These symptoms are so debilitating.. Do you keep a daily journal to see if the symptoms come back for you every month? Mine sure do.. When I'm feeling my symptoms for the day I look back in my journal and say to myself ok had this at this same time last month.. None of this is easy , I feel for you, maybe just do something for yourself today since its you day off, its hard I know to even do something for you, when you literally have to push yourself through these awful symptoms... Hope it clears up for you..?
dora_39625 jane63977
Yes!! I'm 42 in perimenopause and get this feeling very often!!
Before, during and after my period.
It's awful.
You're not alone.
Guest jane63977
Yes. Maybe you will be getting your period sooner than you think. I've got an awful headache today, and I'm thinking my period might come on again, even though I just had a three week long one! Just take it easy and rest if that's what you body is telling you. I don't push myself anymore. It's time to just take care of yourself. Find a good movie and veg.
mauiblue jane63977
yes at least you are aware you are in Peri
I had about 3-4 yrs of it without really realizing that it was what i was dealing with.
Every single thing you mentioned, ive had and have still.
Its part of the process unfortunately. You ask if it makes sense to anyone?
I would guess that it makes sense to EVERYONE.
kelly55079 jane63977
Yes, this sounds like me... When i feel like this I try to rest more.. It's OK to not want to do anything. I also try and drink more water and double up on some supplements to get me thru. I swim so that sometimes take away the achy feeling. I had a friend take hormone cream because her hot flashes were bad and migraines were worse.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to reply . At least I know I’m not the only one feeling like this . I seem to go through spells of having hot flushes and night sweats and then I don’t get them for a while . I get a lot of nausea , indigestion and reflux , but I think that’s par for the course . It’s these dark moods that I hate . I have been on citalopram since January 2016 , only a small dose initially of 10mgs that I have gradually been decreasing as my doctor wanted me off it . My peri symptoms all started after losing my mum almost three years ago . I’ve not been the same person since then . Grief is a horrible thing and these past three years have been a nightmare . I would just live to be the old me again 😞
mauiblue jane63977
You will get there in time, a more whole rounded being, at least im hoping this for myself. I understand your symptroms completely. the moods are the most debilitating by far though.
sending you caring support
mauiblue jane63977
kelly55079 jane63977
Yikes..Why is not good long term?? I have been taking this low dose for years and never thought it was bad for me long term, especially at a low dose. I know that other meds like statins aren't that great long term. I can relate with feeling like slipping- I for awhile would take half a pill (5 mg) but felt the 'slipping' so I went back to 10 mg. And now, sometimes when I feel that I need more (not too often) I take 2 which is 20mg. I try to exercise and eat healthy so if I need a little more help, I'm ok with that. : )
mauiblue jane63977
You need to do whats helping you to go forward. Its not a harmful ssri long term. Its good you are taking small amounts and tapering off.
Thoughts of support headed your way.
You are doing fine, dont beat yourself up