Feeling positive
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I've just returned from another visit to the doctors where I asked if HRT was a possibility. To my amazement he agreed with me and said "yes in your case I think it will".
He is sending me for an ultrasound before giving me any HRT to check for anything else going on in case I have a cyst of something which might be mimicking the meno symptoms, with me being under 45 he just wants to check I suppose.
I came out of there feeling really positive, I have spoken to some ladies at work who take HRT and some have said it changed their lives so all being well I'm going to give it whirl! I started with all these symptoms when I was 43 so I've had a year of crap and now I want my life back xx
5 likes, 9 replies
Finny2018 Claire4474
Claire - this is great news! I started on a natural progesterone cream over the counter and I've seen amazing results. After talking with many women and reading and watching educational videos, it's so inspiring to hear how life changing it can be. The reality is our hormones have crashed; not all women experience the crash in hormones - but I am one in that 20% that it crashed and therefore horrible PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL symptoms. My saliva test results showed progesterone at the BOTTOM. I'm feeling great after my 3 months and so thankful I made this decision.
Please keep us posted on how it goes for you. I know there can be some side affects when first starting sometimes - come here for encouragement and inspire us with your positive results as you go. Take care, Finny
Guest Finny2018
Hi Finny! YAY!! I was thinking you must be feeling better! Me too...day a time! 😃
mrs_susan74280 Finny2018
HI I would like to try one , where from please, been looking at them on Amozan, all I can find is that they have vit e in,shear butter,
mauiblue mrs_susan74280
Hi Mrs. Susan
there are several 'natural' progesterone brands out there that may good for a lot of women. Finny can also speak to these as shes had good results.
There is Emerita Progest,
and Dr. John Lee has his products too you can get from the website.
I havent found much relief in them but i would totally try it, its all a trial and error for us. We are all different.
I think there is always a financial interest in these product and so when they are made caution should be used when saying something is natural..because its all made in the lab afterall.
We are also not really supposed to be needing a lot of progesterone during this time as by nature we arent getting pregnant anymore post menopausal anyways so how much do we need it?
Having said that,
if a simple cream could turn my life around ..id be slathered in it! but it didnt happen.
let us know how it goes
Guest Claire4474
Hi Claire, wonderful news! If your dr feels you are a candidate...then you go for it...and do not be discouraged by any negative thoughts about it. I just started back on BCP, finished my first week. Feeling good...doing a lot less laying around feeling bad for myself. I wish you the very best! ❤
Thanks girls. I will report back when ive been on it a few weeks. Got to wait doe ultra sound results before i get my prescription but after speaking with a lady at work about how it helped her im feeling positive. Fingers crossed xx
vicky77852 Claire4474
Hrt gave my life back! I cannot imagine my life without it! No symptoms at all! The whole meno thing was an absolute nightmare for me. I am 42.
Claire4474 vicky77852
I hope it does the same for me Vicky. xx
angela65121 Claire4474
Hi Finny if i may ask you...i am on hrt and find the last 2 weeks hard going with the progesterone included causing extreme fatigue. With the over the counter prog have you not found this as a side effect? and what benefits do you get from it? As far as i know it isnt different to the prog i would be getting possibly just a thing of we are all different with varying hormone levels!!, i am curious really.....searching for the 'perfect' treatment which i lnow doesnt really exist!!!, haha.
Thanks in advance for any reply.