Feeling pretty crook today girls
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what I find the most frustrating thing about this menop thing is the uncertainty about where you are in your cycle, no period, I keep counting the dates back to when I last had one two months ago so that I can account for how awful I am feeling. I seem to just feel awful "willy nilly"
It's horrendous, I missed important appointments today because I feel exhausted (for no real reason), I feel depressed, my body aches all over. And before all this started atleast I would know how long it was going to last, usually 5 to 7 days before.
Sorry for being so negative but I just want to rest and that makes me feel guilty. It takes me all my time to do the hoousework
Well hope your all well and on your UP DAYS......................................
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Tazchurch MrsMerm
Big hugs
Taz xxx
MrsMerm Tazchurch
maria73432 Tazchurch
MrsMerm maria73432
I wasn't ignoring you but managed to get off to sleep, however, been awake since 3 am now. thank goodness I'm not at work tommorrow
Been thinking about getting melatonin to help me sleep better
haven't tried MACA but my NZ friend takes them and recommends
Nite said Zebedee ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ here's hoping
maria73432 MrsMerm
sharcerv52408 MrsMerm
The depression is the worst! You just feel hopeless. The slightest thing makes me want to cry.
MrsMerm sharcerv52408
I feel so alone and useless, I know it all sounds over dramatic but it affects everything, going to work, worries over finances, I have enough to deal with without my hormones being all over the place too BOO HOO
I feel pooh !!!!
maria73432 MrsMerm
sharcerv52408 MrsMerm
I feel so disconnected from my husband and kids sometimes because I'm so bummed out about how I'm feeling.
We live away from family so going through all of this is harder. I don't have extended family or friends close by to help out with the kids. I want to move back home to be closer to family but my husband is dead set against it. I do all I can to keep going.
MrsMerm sharcerv52408
I live alone and most days don't see anyone only my little cat, this never seemed to bother me before but I think I've gone soft in the head with this peri stuff going on. I find it so hard to get going most days, well really must do exactly that................................
I feel for you having to cope with kids as well, difficult,
and you know, your hubby could be right, making major descisions about moving isn't a good idea when your hormonal, another take on it
have a good day, thinking of you hun xxx
Tazchurch sharcerv52408
Big hug
Tazz xxx
maria73432 MrsMerm
maria73432 MrsMerm
Sandy07 MrsMerm