Feeling pretty low today
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I could use some positivity today.I am supposed to start my period in a few days,and I have been really low the past few days.I just want to crawl in a hole and cry.I had been feeling better then bam this started up again.Nervous waves in stomach and just feeling sad and lonely.I went out yesterday and picked out a new puppy.She will be coming home after Thanksgiving and for some reason I feel nervous about it.I played with her yesterday and was excited ,now I worry what if in my state I cant handle a puppy.I worry about everything when I should be able to enjoy life.This really sucks and sometimes I wonder if Ijust feel sorry for myself because I am going through all this.I felt good for about a week and thought things were looking up,then yesterday I had a crying melt down now I feel like I am back to square one.I just want to cry.
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Theeamazon beth54337
soft hug* your not alone. I get real bad the week before my period and the whole week after. The extreme fatique messes with my head. It will get better. You will love and enjoy your new puppy. You have a real medical problem be kind to yourself.
becky53379 beth54337
Hi Beth I think that the puppy is a great idea! Animals help when we feel anxious and stressed. As far as how you are feeling it is so normal for us in this season of our lives. You will feel better, I promise! I still have my days off and on but nothing like before. Just be good to yourself and if you need to cry, cry. It's ok! Remember, we are not going backwards in this we are moving through it, you do not have to go through yesterday again. Hope that makes sense, it sounds right in my head lol! My mom told me that when I was at my lowest in peri and it kind of helped me by thinking another day down. Take care and if you need to talk we are all here for you 😃
beth54337 becky53379
that is a really good way of looking at it.I dont have to go through yesterday again.Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
God Bless
2chr2015 beth54337
hey beth. im so sorry you are having a rough day. mine cycles like that too so the good days will come back around to you. i just went through about a week of total crap. now all of a sudden i feel better today.!? your puppy is going to bring you so much joy. i just got one last december. he is a great cuddler when i am having a bad day.
debra16694 beth54337
hi beth - you are not alone - i have been struggling this week with insomnia & when i wake up in the morning i am so overwhelmed with worry & sadness. my anxiety makes my stomach feel like its on "spin cycle" & yes, no joy. i used to love to entertain, & have contemplated hosting THANKSGIVING, but the fear that i wont be able to pull it off because i wont feel well is overwhelming. i would have never second guessed myself before. i feel like such a wimp -
juanita93228 beth54337
I'm sorry you're feeling down
I felt that way too off and on. Today I'm off work I didn't want to get out of bed. BUT by the grace of God I made it to my massage appointment felt better, then went and had my oil changed, and later I'm going to dinner with a friend. I tell you all this so you will know you will feel better
Don't get me wrong it wasn't easy getting out of bed but once I did...
My massage therapist was great
We talked the whole time, she is is a breast cancer survivor, we talked about menopause, she made me laugh telling me some funny stories about her job.
Just hold on Beth. And be kind to yourself.❤❤🤗
kimberly31329 beth54337
Hi Beth,
You are truly not alone. I too have been down. Just keep telling yourself you are not your emotions. It will get better. A good cry is actually good for all of us. It's a release.
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement.My mom lives next door and I went over and cried and laid on her bed with her for 2 Hrs and I feel a little better.I am just a very impatient person and I want this to be over.I will have to learn to deal.The physical symptoms are a lot easier to deal with than the mental stuff.And mine seems to want to be all mental.It doesnt help that it is gloomy here all the time and gets dark at 4:30.I thank you for all your replies.This forum is a real life saver.
becky53379 beth54337
The mental is my worse symptom too! It does lighten up though. Praying for you and everyone on here. Take care!
kelly55079 beth54337
Yes yes yes.. I have those days where I feel hopeless and frustrated-- I know not fun but usually it passes. Just be kind to yourself doing this time. And do something to get your mind off of it-- usually if I clean out a drawer or closet if I don't want to go out. But I feel better. I think a puppy will be great support for you. I have a couple of cats whom I love to pieces BUT I see many people out walking their dog. Congrats on the new puppy-- you'll do great with him! : )