Feeling really horrible again.
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Three years into this surgical meno and really thought I was feeling better and coming out the other side but NO, yesterday and today been feeling so awful - the drunk feeling and can hardly walk straight, wobbly weird and like im not really here again. No energy whatsoever like I Havnt slept for a week, could just drop to the floor and be left there in a heap, whatever I do I want to just let myself go and collapse and be left alone - so fed up, anyone else feel this way ? X
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maria45873 Fairy28
Hi Lou know the feeling although some of the madness hold up although at times walking out I feel like that, so annoying
I'm sleeping again and hot flashes still at bay no heart palps, but still not 100 % myself
Can't seem to get excited and laugh before you going to a panic way and scare yourself
Whatever happening it will get better with time hugs xxx
Fairy28 maria45873
Hi Maria, let's hope it does get better as this is just horrible. Hugs back to you x
ancillas0501 Fairy28
Fairy28 ancillas0501
ancillas0501 Fairy28
Fairy28 ancillas0501
elaine75058 Fairy28
Fairy28 elaine75058
hi lovely, maybe you need to give them a bit longer and see - it's good there's no side effects , are you feeling any better ? X
elaine75058 Fairy28
Fairy28 elaine75058
me too lovely, me too.
I worry about my head all the time, feel like it's gonna explode with all this all the time, no sleep, anxious, exhausting every day same old same old xx
brendababy Fairy28
Sorry for you Lou, sadly I feel the same, drunk, spaced out, wobbly, etc
ENT diagnosed me with vistibular migraine, he said its common if your a migraine sufferer for the migraines to change and become more often and more severe
I've also been diagnosed with anxiety disorder I've tried telling the Dr's I'm anxious cos I'm off balance and feel weird everyday
Every few weeks I have severe nausea and terrible migraine pain for a few days but even when that subsides I'm still wobbly and off balance really fed up with it all
I dread morning cos I hate getting up from lying down
I'm sorry your suffering but glad it's not just me having this odd symptoms... If you know what I mean
Here's to better days Lou xx
Fairy28 brendababy
Hi brendababy do you know what I could have written exactly what you've written as im identical to you. I get terrible migraines aswell, ive always had them but they've got worse - im finding im taking a sumatriptan most days and my doctor won't let me have any more than 12 a month now so I have to space them out and in between im taking anything I can get my hands on to be honest, co codamol, ibuprofen and even taking codine that's not for me, it's bad when it comes to that - codine makes me feel really loose and I couldn't care less but my GP won't let me have them. Like you every single day I wake up dreading how im gonna be and if I wake up with a bad head ive had it for the day, sometimes I take a Triptan before I even get up just in case. Ive had recent blood tests as ive been so paranoid about nasty things going on with my brain but ive been told the same as you, migraines can be worse and more regular whilst going through all this. I also know that taking too many painkillers can cause rebound heads but what do you do - laying in a heap is all I want to do lately, just slob out on the sofa as I just can't be bothered, no energy, lifeless, and full of dread x
Fairy28 brendababy
I get the nausea too and admit to making myself vomit to release the pressure in my head, I told my doctor this when I saw him last - he just said ' that's what it's like in meno ' he hasn't got a flipping clue, how could he Hes a man and a useless one at that x
Cass63 Fairy28
What is it about mornings or the first part of the day? That is by far the worst part for me. Some days it will lighten up and some days no. I describe it as a out of body feeling. That's as close as I can describe it. Just really weird all over. I have been doing this since 09. I had a couple of times I thought I was through it, but this craziness always comes back. I so hate not being me no more. I never make plans because I never know how I will feel. It is really hard when no one understands what you are going through. I just want the old me back and sadly I think she is gone forever.??
Fairy28 Cass63
Hi Cass, gosh poor you 5 years Thats horrific and you still feel like it - yes out of body feeling is a very good description. Im so sorry you still feel so awful, are you taking HRT or any supplements to help you ? I can't take it so double whammy ??
ancillas0501 Fairy28
Good morning ladies
So woke up a bit crouched but now just feel like crying. Yearning for a baby and so angry but I don't get why. I'm starting HRT today and please I hope it helps
Cass63 Fairy28
I tried, but it made symptoms worse for me. I use Estrace vaginal cream for the dryness. The anxiety part is by far the worst part for me. Just feel crazy like I have lost it most days. I didn't used to be this way. I pray it will ease up someday.
Fairy28 Cass63
Yes anxiety is a major major factor and very common it seems. Yes dryness is agony too Uugghh so many things to deal with, who would have thought hormones or lack of would cause so many problems. People do say it gets better with time but how much time that's what we'd all like the answer too. Seems we're all in this together so at least we know our symptoms are similar which makes us feel not so lonely ??