Feeling rough AGAIN
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So here i am again . Another month , another day of feeling rough . I suppose by now i should realise its all to do with my hormones being all over the place , but it doesnt make it any easier . I am now 2 weeks overdue for a period and my symptoms have returned with a vengence . I have hot and cold flushes , migraine and headache that wont shift whatever I take , indigestion , unsettled stomach , a feeling like I have a tummy bug and flu at the same time . Does anyone else ever feel like this ? I just worry so much about all this . When i missed a complete period last month , I called a paramedic as I thought I was having a heart attack , but was given a clean bill of health . I also have a low ache like my period wants to come on , but still nothing ☹
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Guest jane63977
Hi Jane, I right with you! I am on day 48 no period. Only brown spotting last week. Has been 21-26 days...but as long as 53. Bad vertigo and emotional the past few days. Headaches not too troublesome for now...I am on amitrypyline for migraines. Otherwise, aches, pains, GI...I ovulated too, but, that does not mean it will come.
Troldepus71 jane63977
Hi Jane
I have the same symptoms as you. My period is further and further apart and my stomach troubles increase. It is freaking me out and I hardly dare to eat anything in case I have to run all day... It is absolutely horrible...
I try with a fiber supplement and probiotics. It has helped but then some days i am running again. I don't see a pattern at all. Some days I can eat fried chicken and fries with no trouble, other days I have to run if I eat too fatty food. I don't get it.
Hope it all settles so I can enjoy food again and ease my anxiety. I hope the same for you!
sabab172 jane63977
Im 48 and suffering with tummy troubles, thinning hair, joint pains and generally feeling off kilter. I have daily bloating which I had tested earlier on this year and they said it was an ovarian cyst which is common especially in the menopause. I have also had some intolerance testing done as I think I have become sensitive to foods since going through this crappy peri-m. I should have the results this week. Utterly fed up and fed up with the anxiety that there is something seriously wrong with me...
karen60759 jane63977
I'm right there with you ladies, this cycle has been the worst yet, internal trembling, low mood that just wont shift until around 4pm, massive anxiety, nausea and no appetite...i had an endoscopy done yesterday, which was an awful experience as i was already nauseous, thankfully they didn't find anything, though i sometimes wish there was a least something i could pin this on, its hard to believe this is all hormones - just feel sooooo rough...hugs to all of you xxxxxx