Feeling Scared
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Feeling scarily depressed and detached from my world. I recently had eight amazing days in a row, where I thought that this hell was finally over, but no. Yesterday, I felt happy, energized, and optimistic. Today, I feel like I can't cope: hopeless, just hanging on and trying to get through my day. Why is this so damned hard?! The suffering is awful. I keep telling myself that I have been here hundreds of times, and I know what to do, but I am just drained from it all and want it to finally be over. Can anyone else relate?
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susane84679 bev27429
hi bev, I think we all feel this way from time to time. you have to tell yourself that it won't last forever and you will get through it. I think when we have several great days and then it all comes back with vengeance it is more difficult to deal with. are you taking ad meds? I know it sucks but hang in there because it will get better!
mauiblue bev27429
Hello Dear Bev
yes i know what you mean !! I have been having a few good afternoons, or mornings and its nice. I never feel good all of the time, as you know. I fight the wild horse daily as you know also.
I would like to say that one particular thing works, but it never lasts so i hesitate to suggest things because im unsure. Ive done some experimenting and i see that when im completley off the hrt, and just without anything, i get reaallllly low, awful low.
i resort to the patch again, and i def feel better, but that too wears off and i take the patch off early sometimes, only to put it on again when symptoms get bad.
I am also recently using a combo of aminos that i think might be good. (theanine,gaba,and taurine) those are calming. Also dont underestimate
the adaptogens as they help us cope, they really do. (Rhodiola, Ashwagada) I take tinctures of this..why not?
What else is there to lose
But i want to finish this by saying that this will slowly pass. It wont get worse - cant anyways.. but it will very slowly get better. EVER so slowly you will improve.
I say that because i kinds sorta sorta kinda have. but still very struggling and still very dark often times.
Your kindred sister..reach out please whenever, because i will always answer.
I will do the same.
bev27429 mauiblue
Thank-you Maui so much for your unwavering support. You truly have been a lifeline for me through all of this!
I like what you say about it not being able to get worse, and that's what I try to focus on. I tell myself that whatever I am experiencing is nothing new. I have dealt with it before, and I can and will deal with it now.
The only thing that has proven true every single time is that the positive mood and sunny outlook always returns, and that is who I am. Everything else is not me; rather, it is something that is happening to me.
I will persevere and get through this with help from incredible women like you!
We must meet one day, when all of this is finally over 😃
claire71812 bev27429
hello. yes i go through this too
the slightest thing and my anxiety kicks in and i go down and down. i am having therapy and use mindfulness. cant use hrt
that other people who are around you dont get it makes it worse. us fellow sufferers do. we will all just try to keep going told it gets better.
2chr2015 bev27429
yes. i can definitely relate as well. i just keep telling myself its the fluctuating hormones and it will pass. and then all i can do is curl up in my corner of the couch with my blanket and fur baby and watch old tv shows.
it is amazing how we can be bopping around just fine for a few days and them wham you are at your lowest low. i hope you get to feeling better real soon.
bev27429 2chr2015
Thank-you, 2chr. Yes, it is amazing! On the days when I feel well, nothing can stop me. I am filled with energy and enthusiasm, and I am so productive. Life seems filled with possibility, and I am excited about my life and proud of who I am. Then, it turns, and I feel terrified. I am in survival mode just trying to get through my moments until I return once again.
colleens bev27429
yes times a million! I honestly thought at times that I was losing my mind and even went to therapy. My GP said I needed an antidepressant but I refused. i needed my hormones balanced.
julie64486 bev27429
Was just thinking the same few good days then back to square one again . Got bad night anxiety at min dizzy feeling in bed what's that all about . 3 years without periods so thought I was coming to the end but feel like it will never happen . 🙄
shannonmairs7 julie64486
I am almost 3 years without a period too, and keep expecting it to FINALLY BE OVER, but no, this crap sure can linger! Hang in there, all of us!!!
claire38123 bev27429
morning ladies i feel for all of you i also have just been kicked hard in the backside from anxiety its so horrible,night sweats palpitations feeling of doom and gloom fuzzy head dizzy and constant feeling something bad is going to happen i know its hormones its just convincing yourself otherwise i try to chill by drawing and painting or just doing something arty which i enjoy but at the moment just havnt got the interest for long i lost my dog in nov she got poorly really quick and we had to have her put to sleep she was my best friend when my anxiety was raging but due to work we have decided not to get another one and i think thats what i missing i need a new fur baby my other half is amazing but i cant stroke him and hold his paw in the middle of the night when iam feeling awful hahaha but lets hope this all stops soon and we all get back to normal whatever normal is....... goodluck and big hugs to you all xx