feeling sick

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Hi is any finding hard to eat When eating food feel so sick is  there any thing i can eat or take to help me i have lost a stone in 2 months so fed up with this and every thing 

paula x

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello paula. Have you seen your GP? It may be something other than the menopause for your symptoms. You have lost a lot of weight so get it checked out.
    • Posted

      Hi matron yes been to gp was not help full xx
    • Posted

      Typical! Can you see another GP in the practice? Symptoms like yours should be investigated.
  • Posted

    I wonder if your thyroid is playing up?  Known 2 women over the years who have both suffered under-active thyroids:  weight loss, lack of appetite, fatigue, bulgy eyes etc.  Have a look at the symptoms to see if any others relate to you. Then, as 'Matron' suggested earlier, go see another GP in yr practice.
    • Posted

      Hi had test for thyroid told was all ok but will go back to the GP thanks 

      paula x

  • Posted

    I too used to feel sick and nausea's 24/7 and lost a stone very quickly cos i just couldn't eat, i lost my appetite but i found out after lots of tests and feeling faint daily i was diagnoised with hypoglycemia which is low bllod sugar so i had to get my act together and start eating little and often, i have now nearly put the weight back on but i'm still not good with food.  Try eating bland food a little and often or your going to get ill and weak like i did.  My GP was no help at first untill my husband insisted on coming with me to a appointment and said to him i cant carry on like this and to do something with me.  take care hun and really try to eat x
    • Posted

      Thank you have been to doctors had bloods done said all ok just hope it will pass 

      paula x

  • Posted

    I think you need to find a doctor that will look into what's going on with you. I understand your great concern for losing so much weight especially in such a short time span. I too have bouts of nausea and loss of appetite where I can't eat and my eating is very sparse. I have lost weight too since I have been going through peri but this was over a period of time of about 8 months or so. I get this way around that time of the month or when I'm ovulating where I can't really eat like I want to. Then because I am not taking in enough calories I do not gain the weight.

    Definitely go to a doctor but you can also try nutritional meal replacement shakes that will help you during the times when you can't eat food. They help pack on some calories. I will be praying for you.



  • Posted

    I have been through this too with diarrhea not being able to eat i have low thyroid they say the test are fine my number is where they want it

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