Feeling sick
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for the past week i have been having sick feeling acid reflux has got the best of me ive tried everything from antacids to drinking a lot water. yesterday the husband smoked on the grill i was so hungry within an hour or so the pain was worse then before .
all of my symptoms started 6 years ago and comes and goes have had ekg echo upper and lower and blood work etc nothing found at all. GYN Said i should see pysch that disturbed me. wouldnt anyone be depressed if your sick with chest pain lightheaded feeling and arm pain all connect to cardiac problems and nothing found . then diagnosed with fibro given medication and taken off 9 months later with no explanation. its just frustrating this time it i panic and want to go to the hospital everyday because i have pain. i feel terrible does anyone have suggestions
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jo67532 misty36246
I too suffer from terrible heartburn. My doctor suggested I stop eating fatty foods and to drink non carbonated drinks. It's tough staying away from those foods all the time, but when I do I notice that I dont suffer with the indegestion or acid reflux as much.
Guest misty36246
I suffer miserably from reflux and the strange thing is it will come and hang around for days on end and then all of a sudden stop for a few weeks. There is no question it is hormone related. I have read the estrogen and progesterone (even more so) can cause the valve between the stomach and esophagus to relax thus allowing acid to come up from the stomach. I do not want to take a nexium or prevacid daily type of medicine. Rather i try and manage it with slippery elm capsules daily and when it gets really bad i take a zantac.
Eliaimee1970 misty36246
hello MISTY
I am in the same situation to me i have this since MAY 8 and i dont eat red meat maybe once a month, no alcohol, no sodas, and i have cramps like contractions feeling, nauseas, no appetites but i get hunger pains. i have been in the hospital 4 times and all blood work is normal , ekg normal, i just got a test for H pilory and just waiting for the results. i am sick of it, I AM 49 i also have left joint hip , shoukder pain, . i have been taking nexium and my doctor change the meds and i feel a little better . im constipated but im taking milk of magnesium.
dont know what to do anymore . doctors look at me like im crazy . Oh by the way i also see a theraphy and i take anti anxiety but not all the time .
Beverlys1 Eliaimee1970
Glad you brought up H Pylory this is nasty Misty, I had it and alot of people do and don't know it... You have to treat it or the gastro stuff just gets worse and worse I got severe gastritis from that and candida and IBS right when I started going through peri, stupid hormons!!! hugs to all xxxx
Eliaimee1970 Beverlys1
HI Bervely
how do you get rid of it. and I also have yeast on a small part of my scalp and i think nail fungus all hit since MAY . im so over this as well . i feel hopeless specially my stomach issues
Beverlys1 Eliaimee1970
The H pylory is treated with 2 different antibiotics at once and they are so strong then the candida lots of probiotics its more of a systemic thing there is a probiotic at major health food stores called bio k it has to be refridgerated and its in a little shot sized bottle extremely strong but good for u,, its like taking concentrated yogart it helps alot,, apple cider vinegar everynite on the nail fungus should take care of that you can even drink alittle of that and that helps digestion,, If you can get rid of it out of your digestion it should help all the other areas where you are getting it,, I have had candida illness for 15 years so I am always keeping it in ck....
Eliaimee1970 Beverlys1
i just got the results and was negative for the bacteria pylory . im i the er with pain.
Beverlys1 Eliaimee1970
Thats good news Elia,, try taking some probiotics, did the doctor give you some input on what to do??Im glad you don't have h pylori!!!hugsxxx
Eliaimee1970 Beverlys1
yes i need to have an endoscopy to look for ulcers and keep taking my acid reflux meds . I just got released from the hospital and they need a ekg, belly ultrasound they were looking for ulcers but blood work shows no bleed. im here crying and my menstrual period will come in 3 days ans my tooth is hurting . this is crazy and depressing. this has to be perimenopause .
we are in the same boat and i wish you all good healing and this shall pass soon. ill keep you posted my endo is August 30 at 10 am
Beverlys1 Eliaimee1970
All the fungal stuff u have brought up I can't help but wonder, usually I would say don't research it but in your case I think it could help and just remember It can be treated and It is really not considered life threating.. I also have the fungus on my head behind my ear at least you can't see it... Let me know how it goes girlie,, I will be preying for you. try to take one day at a time, I know its hard, I just had a cat scan and now my hashimotos is flared up.. ITS HORRIBLE ! But I did feel better today ...Big hugs to you!!xxxx
Eliaimee1970 Beverlys1
it was all of the sudden i bought some natural stuff for it and seems to work . im praying for good days ill keep post it
pamela2016 misty36246
acid reflux was o e of the very firat symptoms i got when i started this journey i had acid so bad i could barely eat it lasted three solid years what helped me and this was hard i gave up basically all foods and drinks i drank water and ate very bland foods no seasoning at all or spices. i did that fir weeks it gradually started getting better and i introduced foods slowly back in my diet. it was rough but it was worth it as i was suffering so bad felt like the acid was burning a hole in my stomach and esophagus. hope you feel better i still get indigestion at times and when i feel it coming on i eat bland a few days.
Betty97 misty36246
I have read through the comments on here and can relate to some of them, I am 63, started with burning chest and back three years ago, the doctor said it was acid reflux, though I wasn't convinced because it didn't seem to be effected by food, it was just there, and the burning in my back is only felt when I lean against it, the burning in my chest also moves up and down, from throat to stomach to intestines, I told the doctor that I thought it was to do with an autoimmune condition that I have, I was tested for H Pylori, two tests came back borderline, so I was treated for it even though it wasn't a positive result! all this makes me wonder about menopausal symptoms because at the same time I suddenly developed bad health anxiety to the point the doctor told me that if I didn't stop stressing I would give myself an ulcer, she made me feel like a hypochondriac even though my medical records showed that I rarely visited the surgery! I was put on acid suppressants that made no difference, I stayed on them for months, so basically three years later I still get the burning off and on, still convinced it's not acid reflux, but doubt myself. It's not until recently when I stumbled on this forum that I realised that so much of what I have experienced over the last 12 years plus could actually be put down to menopause, I always thought it was just hot flushes and tearful days, to be honest though not sure if being in ignorance was the best thing haha 😃
staci88515 misty36246
Mine was so bad, I lost my voice for a few months. It was due to stress when my mom was first diagnosed with cancer. A natural remedy that works is chewing gum. Saliva is your body's way of neutralizing stomach acid. If you can't chew gum, suck on a candy or a lollipop. Although, that will add a few calories.
laura26665 misty36246
I have been dealing with acid reflux and herd for quite a while now. The time around my period is the worst. I can go for two weeks at a time where I throw up at least once a day; mostly my dinner. You're think I would at least lose some weight, but noooooooooo. Seriously!