Feeling sick after meals??

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For about 6 months now I have been dealing with some stomach issues. I feel really sick about 30-90 minutes after I eat each meal. I get nauseous, bloated, reflux (I have had GERD for 6 years, but it has never had these symptoms), heartburn, and get a mildly distended stomach. I am chronically constipated as well. There are days where it is so bad I am homebound; and others where I hardly feel any symptoms.

I have a GI specialist but she is very busy and seems to ignore me a bit. I just don't really know what to do anymore. I have had an upper endoscopy (normal) and an upper gi series (showed reflux). Any advise/ experiences??

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8 Replies

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    EDIT: I also have fatigue and find it very hard to eat, I often miss meals due to the nausea (making me lose weight that I can't really afford to lose). I feel very full afterwards and seem full for hours and often have lots of regurgitation. If I have any pain (which is not too often, thankfully) it is in my lower abdomen.

    My GI doc put me on Erythromycin three times a day (oral) but did not tell me why?

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      Anne just ask for galkbladder check.. 99% it is... your symptoms are describing it....

      Best of luck

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    Your doctor will be trying to establish if you have a bacterial infection.  This is why you are on this antibiotic.  Constipation can cause bloating.  Try a food diary to root out food intolerances and eat lots of fruit or use a laxative to treat the constipation.  Constipation can make you feel sick, put you off eating and lose weight.

    When you get the pain, does it move about?  IBS could be one possibility but other causes will need to be ruled out first.  Your best option is to keep going back to your doctor and ask for more tests until you get a firm diagnosis.  I had to wait three and a half long months for an IBS diagnosis..

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    Make a list of your symptoms and possible causes; ask your doctor lots of questions. Sometimes, doctors will not give you the information you need unless you ask for it.
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    GPS should never ignore you!

    Have they checked if you have an intolerance ie gluten lactose

    There are a few things it could be 

    Maybe get them to check your gallbladder (scan) pancreas

    All of the above would cause what you’re describing 

    See a different gp and hopefully you’ll be feeling better soon 

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    For 6 months you have been seeing a doctor who seems to ignore you and you go on suffering. You don't know what to do any more. Why don't you see another doctor?

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      Gastro diagnosed me with Gastroparesis and functional constipation. We are now looking into other problems that have recently surface such as tachycardia, chronic hypoglycemia and most likely POTS. Thank you all for your help smile

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