Feeling sick tired and nauseated
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I am feeling sick with all these menopause symptoms, i am getting tired of all these menopause symptoms, I am always feeling nauseated with a lot of stomach issues. I am also getting tired of my left nostril bleeding, I am getting tired of small palpitations.
I am frusterated because I do not know what to take any more for this
I hate synthetic meds and thats all doctors want to give me are the synthetic meds
Why can't i take to biodendical ones it seems like my nurse thinks it the anxieties and the depression that cause this it seems like they say its all mental well no its not
I am tired with all these symptoms just want to shut down and hide away from the world and not go any where
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michelle50768 susan21149
The palpitations and anxiety and nausea suck. Ive been on a low dose AD mirtazapine a year now but tbh I dont think they are working. I'm seriously considering tapering off them. I feel your pain hun. Every day is a constant batyle. Stay strong. This yoo shall pass x
susan21149 michelle50768
last night it was a 155 the night before in the 160s and the night before that it was in the 160s i have taken insulin for the past several nights including this morning with my metformin.
Something in my body is not working right and i am disgusted

I don't know if its my progesterone don't know how low that is i don't even know if the 2.5mg of Medroxyprogesterone will help with menopause my OBGYN says a low dose of progesterone and estradiol will help but when i took it back in July I started bleeding.
I don't know what to do
sarah63813 susan21149
susan21149 sarah63813
sandra01691 susan21149
susan21149 sandra01691