Feeling So Awful

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Hi Ladies..I haven't been on here in some weeks because I was feeling so almost normal again until the past two weeks . I don't know what hit me..all of a sudden my symptoms come back with a boom! it started off being dryness, irritation and burning. I used a bit of estrogen cream to help and seriously I think that is what triggered everything off again. I feel so so awful and nothing i do helps. I am so Naseau, ill feeling to the stomach, feel of wanting to vomit, coldness, then hot flash even if I lie a

certain way or lay on my stomach, heart palps, shortness of breath, bloating, I can't tolerate food so I 've been juicing and decided to put my vitamin in my smoothie. OMG!! don't know why but it gave me the most severe heart palps. Something in the vitamin. I recently switched vitamins and I've noticed It does that when I take it so i decided to put it in my smoothie instead. It has finally calmed but now im hungry for air. The internal anxiety is really getting to me.. Has anyone felt so bad that it's nothing that makes it better ? I can't even sleep to pass the feeling because I feel so wired up my body is so restless. My stomach feels hot, and just touching it makes it shivers.( anxiety really bad ) I had bloodwork done yesterday and my ft3 was low and my tetesterone also low. My dr is waiting for the full panel of my thyroid to come back. I don't know if this could be why im feeling so bad...i feel like something in my throat been feeling this way for 2 weeks now. I really thought i was coming to. the end of this...could the estrogen cream. triggered all this? I have used the cream before and it shot up my estrogen really high very fast. I haven't had a period since Nov..it feels like it wants to come down but can't. Ladies, sorry to rant on but I just don't know what else to do. Thanks for listening.

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28 Replies

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    Up and down and all around. Stupid hormones!

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    Hello there, i totally understand how you are feeling. Im so tired of feeling sick and the anxiety! im on the verge of vomiting every day, im put off by food in general...i manage to get the high protein vitamin drink down on most days and it doesnt make me as sick as normal vitamins so you may want to try that. I cant really tell you for sure if the estrogen you took caused it but i would say YES!! I tried the progesterone cream and when i had my period i was so sick i couldnt keep anything down! I wish i knew if Zoloft would help after being on it for some time, but the last time i tried it i felt worse with eyelid twitches and sleep paralysis. I dont know what we are supposed to do, I have a period every 60 days or so and this torture is killing me. I cry all of the time cause i am afraid i will never feel good again, life isnt worth living if you cant eat, your anxious, your dizzy etc....

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      Thank you Brandy for your reply. I'm sorry that you 're experiencing this but yes this is horrible. The thing is with me I don't need to lose anymore weight because I've list enough already. I even get anxiety in my gut..I regret even looking at the cream...if that's what triggered my symptoms out of nowhere. I've been juicing because I can't seem to take protein drinks because I have food allergies like crazy. So i try to stay clean as possible. I hope you start feeling better soon.

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    It's very possible the cream revved up your symptoms. I recently took Maca powder on the advice of a nutrition lady at a supplement store. After drinking the powder in water for a little over a week, I feel like I Started the hell all over again!!!! I was still having a lot of anxiety, irritability, balance and dizzy issues and more and was desperate to try anything, and it made my symptoms 100 times worse I swear. I am so mad at myself for trying this. Can't take HrT due to being a breast cancer survivor so i thought I'd try something natural. LESSON LEARNED!

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    This Perimenopause is like a rollercoaster ride. Back in August I was at my worst with anxiety from feeling dizzy to the heart palpitations. I would be up in the middle of the night pacing, becuase I felt like something was terribly wrong with me. I had a full physical with blood work, mammogram, a pap, and even a sleep study. All of it came back normal. My doctor prescribed me with a 15 day supply of Xanax (.25 mg) as she was certain that was just having anxiety about my youngest leaving for college. I only took 2 of those pills. I started to think she might be right when I was feeling like myself again in September. The past 2 weeks the anxiety is back and my feelings of doom and gloom are back in full force.

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    I am there too. Went 2 months without a period, then spotted for 5 weeks, bled for one week solid, nothing for 2 weeks now just feel yucky. Tightness in my stomach and throat, feel like crying, muscle aches and pains, nausea, having trouble sleeping. My body feels like before my period, but it hasn't started. Seriously agree with you. This is not living. Thank you for sharing. I am sorry you are feeling this way, but it is comforting to know that maybe, this is menopause and it will pass. IT has to. Hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Hello all, I was wondering if you all have anxiety and brain fogginess all day everyday or just before your cycle?

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      Yes. The brain fog is my absolute worst symptom. The only benefit to the fogginess is that I am too stupid to hold an obsessive, anxious thought. But when the brain fog lifts, I am screaming with anxiety. As Rebecca says above--this is not living.

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      For me the anxiety is constant, it's horrible! Since Peri started 2 years ago the anxiety just got worse over time. I've had all the normal tests done and all is good, my GP is the absolute best and does my bloods every 3 months to help the anxiety, but it's always there just below the surface, the brain fog has gotten a little better, I guess a step forward is a bonus.

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    I am riddled with anxiety thinking there is something really wrong with me with all the bizarre symptoms. I'm sick to the back teeth of it. I have a running joke with my husband "What is the symptom of the day" Just glad that here in this forum that we are all going through similar things and we are not going mad!

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      sabab172 you are so right. I feel like this often. It is wonderful to have this site to know we will be okay and come out of this at some point. I appreciate having my husband keeping it lite to with all this anxiety. Thanks for sharing.

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      Yeah, I feel like everyone is so sick of hearing me talk about my "symptoms." I feel like it's my identity now. My husband is supportive, but I can "feel" the internal eyeroll. lol

  • Edited

    Hang in there, Mary.

    I have no other advice - I have been dealing with the same. I am overwhelmed with mood swings, crippled with anxiety, can't sleep or want to sleep all day. It's awful. The stress has made my cold sores come out and then that triggers more anxiety thinking I have them in my brain or lungs (IT SOUNDS SO RIDICULOUS BUT OMG THE ANXIETY IT'S AWFUL.) I just want to be my old self again. I thought I had another 10 years before I started dealing with all this. We just need to try to find things to keep our minds busy, support each other, pray (if you do that) and just keep moving forward.

    • Posted

      I feel exactly the same

      Ten years of peri hell

      Now post meno by 18 months

      Im having my feel like i cant breath issues yet again!!

      So exhausted beyond belief but cant sleep

      I pray every day to get through work without passing out

      I was really hoping and praying it would be better post meno but ive had zero relief yet

      I dont even know who i am anymore

      Im an anxious ridden angry shell of a person i used to be

      I pray everyday and tell myself its got to get better

      I dont take any meds cause this stupid meno anxiety convinces me i will get bad side effects

      Been a really low last couple months

      Hoping when winter is over i will geel a bit better

      Stltay string everyone x

      Im 51 by the way 52 september

    • Posted

      I feel the same way as you all do! I am so impressed that you all are able to go to work during all of this, if i had to work i would already have been fired by now. I am so darn sick all of the time, I cant hardly eat and when i do eat i feel nauseous all day. I constantly feel like im gagging! The depression is really getting to me cause im so tired of being this sick person. i get to crying when i remember the old me, and i feel as though i will never feel that way ever again. I have no energy, i have insomnia and i have no sex drive! I did try the antidepressant route and they made things way worse. While on them i developed facial twitches, sleep paralysis, even more anxiety to the point of agoraphobia and more weight loss. So dont beat yourself up for not taking those things, they are poison pills to some people and make things worse!

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      Michelle -

      I'm so sorry. Sending virtual hugs. I'm only 39, and I cannot even imagine another 10+ years of this. I understand about the meds, too. Freaks me out. I will be starting progesterone next month (I am in the middle of moving closer to my folks so I can help take care of my mom, so I don't want to start right now - last thing I need is side effects) so hopefully that will bring some relief!

      I really need to get back to my old low carb diet - I felt much better then - but I'm just so tired and listless all I wanna do is cook microwave meals and be done with it.

      At least over the last month or so the anxiety has shifted to crankiness lol. I'd rather be cranky than anxious. But, it's starting to come back. I'm fighting it, though.

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      Brandy -

      I totally get it. Same stuff here. I just wish I was too sick to eat! haha I'm eating everything under the sun and then some. Awful. I have a yucky taste in my mouth, too, like bitter and metallic, so I keep eating things to make it go away.

      God, this sucks. I feel like such a whiner, too, but I feel like sometimes you just have to get it all out. =)

    • Posted

      julee.... i will take your appetite send it my way!!! 😃 i only weigh 98 pounds now when i used to weigh 120. i want to be fat! Besides the horrible sick feeling, i look like i have an eating disorder when i dont. i get judged constantly for it....and ive completely lost my sense of taste on most days and it feels like i have cotton shoved in my mouth! YUCK!

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      Brandy. I know the feeling. I've lost weight too.

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      Thank you all for posting. I love my job, but this week has been a roller coaster of feeling awful. I am sitting here reading posts trying to convince myself I am okay and can work through this as so many others are too. Peri is uggg.....Blessings and wishes for good days to you all.

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      I'm so sorry! 98 pounds is not good, my dear! Are you in a place that allows medical marijuana? That may help. =)

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      michelle so you dont feel any of it letting up at all? I have been sick for soooo long it seems and now every month i seem to feel sicker more days than not. Three years ago i would get the nausea days right around my menstrual cycle along with severe anxiety and depression, then it moved up to being almost every day in the past year and my periods are now every 58-65 days when they use to be on time at 30 days every month. I just sit and cry cause i am so tired of feeling sick. I miss food! I miss having a life, I cant leave my house where im so nauseous! I was just wondering if your symptoms are lessening a little at least...I realize you said they arent gone yet tho 😦

    • Edited

      Hi hun

      nope no let up as yet

      The nausea is horrendous i know

      I wear the sea bands

      They are bands you wear on your wrist that have a little ball that is kinda like in your accupressure points

      Ive had mine for years and wear them when it get really bad

      You can get them in a specific chemist but probably cant say on here

      Also on line

      You can private message me if you like

      I have bad acid reflux atm causing me to be short of breath i hate it

      I just pray everyday my hormones will finally settle and i will feel semi normal again

      Im terrified l will be like this the rest of my life x

    • Posted

      I too have all those symptoms. Mine are there for days on end, then I have a few good days. I take slippery elm for the yucky feeling from acid reflux and it helps the nausea too. Some days I power through at work and the distraction is a small relief. Hope you both have many better days ahead.

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