Feeling So Depressed
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I had thought that I was improving mood-wise, and I believed that my mind was finally healing from this perimenopausal, hormonal havoc, but, in the last few weeks, my mood has worsened dramatically. Most of the day, I am barraged by negative thoughts and feel deeply depressed, even though I continue on with all of my activities, including full time work. I try to distract myself in any way that I can, but my hormones just seem so much more powerful than anything that I can do to counteract them.
At my psychiatrist's suggestion, I have started on a course of St. John's Wort, which he indicated has clinical evidence to support its efficacy in treating depression.
I am almost 50, and my periods are close together and generally very light. I have lots of painful cramping and bloating, so I know that my system is totally out of whack.
I just pray that this will soon be over, as it is so difficult to keep going when you feel like this.
I am not considering HRT, as bioidentical progesterone worsened my depression when I took it, and I can't take unopposed estrogen, due to the health risks. Also, I don't want to play around with my already unstable hormones.
I would love to hear what has worked for other women or from women who have "made it to the other side".
Thanks for reading.
May we all get through this time.
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sideways67 bev27429
My sister had surgical menopause at 25 due to severe endometriosis. She has not been the same of course. I knew then I was going to hang onto my ovaries unless cancer as her mood are extreme. HRT has helped but she has aged so quickly. My heart breaks for her. I’ve been very blessed but the hypothyroidism has depression symptoms too and I’ve had that since 30. Have that you thyroid and adrenal levels checked? Some menopausal women state low levels.
My mom seemed to be depressed also and pulled away. She felt unloved and unappreciated. I want to pull a Thelma and Louise most days and I’m at the beginning!
Guest bev27429
Bev, same here... working full time but still so overwhelmed with those thoughts during the day. Would also love to hear from women who have gotten through it. Take care. 🌸
kelly55079 bev27429
Yes. it's difficult. But for me as long as I take it day by day it's OK. One thing that helps me is doing things for ME. I take a few supplements, I try to eat healthy and get some kind of exercise in. I have been in a 'slump' for a week now but determined to pull myself out. I know that once I start swimming that will get me going in the right direction. Be good to yourself. My hair and feet need some TLC so I did some research. The other day I made myself a hair mask and a foot bath/wrap.. I am pleased with the results!! So little things that I do for myself are great!!!
jacqueline59683 bev27429
About 5 years ago at 50, I suffered from depression that came out of nowhere. I thought I was going crazy I couldn't understand what I was going through...i even google can you go crazy at 50? After several different doctors visits, my gyno suggested lexapro 10 mg I took it and it took about 6 weeks to work. I felt like my old self and I was actually able to see I had been out of control...moodwise.
Since I felt so good I decided to wean myself off about 3 years in...2 years later at 55 the whole thing starts again...this time I'm trying St. John's wort, just because I don't want to gain weight, and the diminished sex drive. SJW is helping a little, been on almost 2 months but I have a low grade depression and anxiety. I have a whole bunch of other symptoms but those are the ones that bother me most.
I'm still menstruating at 55 ??? I'm thinking of getting back on the antidepressants I just can't waste my life feeling so weird.
This time is not as bad as at 50, but I get ocd-health worry thoughts- about myself, my adult kids, husband...
I'm praying for this to end quickly life is too precious.
God bless us all.
Kersh66 bev27429
Sending reassuring hugs to you Bev! I'm 52 and the last 5 or 6 years have been beyond what I ever imagined this time of my life to be!! Massive depression especially first thing in morning, aching muscles and joints thickening middle and basically my whole body feeling it's gone south 😂but the depression and anxiety has been the pits !!!
My husband has a serious health condition which plays on my mind night and day which only furthers the anxiety which drives the depression! So I got to a point where I thought I'm literally going to live in the NOW I will not let myself overanalyse how I'm feeling I keep going with work as you do but if I need a bit of time for myself now I TAKE it I no longer think about the next day I just take it minute by minute. Eat well and sensibly make sure you are getting plenty of veggies and good sources of protein there are loads of supplements out there which is a big money making exercise in my opinion for what it's worth I just take a seven seas Perfect 7 for women the St. John's wort is good too just takes a gentle edge off things. I tell myself everyday women have been going through this since time began we are strong and resilient if we need to rest do it don't justify how you are feeling!! It just IS!!! You will come through it and better for not having to take a bunch of synthetic hormones !!!
All the best xx
bev27429 Kersh66
Thanks ever so much for your kind words! They mean a lot
Indifferent bev27429
Ugh... I hear you...I did so well for months...and lately it seems to be creeping back. If I could only control those morning thoughts. They are the worst. I am angry before i even get out of bed! It's like i wake up and am assaulted by thoughts of everything anyone ever did to hurt me...and then I have to try and get out of bed and act normal...hide the feelings, the anger. It's crazy. I try to keep busy but my energy is quickly diminishing again as well. This is round two for me. I was here a couple of years back...and it wasn't pretty. If only I could control these thoughts and think more positively. My door husband doesn't have a chance...even when he tries. I have this huge need to just pull away. Hating it. This is not me...and not who I want to be at all.
mauiblue bev27429
Hi Friend Bev!
Im feeling for you and others here on the post,and yep same thing has happened with me this last week or so, ive slid back down into a dark place again and each time i think im getting maybe a little better? Nope.
So i feel your frustration and everyone elses..
I went off the Hrt/bio's because i felt that it was not working either (after 8 months of trying different concoctions) im going off slowly because cold turkey is not good either, its dreadful.
so now im learning about the herbs and reading some great things about st johns and other herbs that can be used as a tincture -like st johns or as an infusion. There is a lady that is fantastic and her name is susun weed. please look her up, ive learned so much about menopause in general and her approach is so wise, as are her teachings.
hang in there everybody, we arent alone. If we werent in adolesence forever then we cant be in peri/meno either forever..