Feeling so hot

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Hello ladies . Just checking to see if this is normal . I know that it has turned warm here in the U.K. recently , but I seem to be feeling exceptionally hot . I only had to do the slightest bit of housework and I'm sweating ( or should I say perspiring 😂wink and feeling like I need to sit down or I'll pass out . Is this a form of hot flush or just to do with the hormones ? I shall be 50 in august and I am still having regular periods , the last one being very heavy and now three and a half weeks apart . I have too many symptoms to mention , but all the doctors are not concerned and I've had numerous tests over the past year and a half , all good apart from anaemia . My anxiety is bad again at the moment also . Any thoughts please .

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I have got all the same as you its like a mirror image. I have went on esctipratolam 10mg antidepressants as I don't want to take HRT. I feel much better but still really hot but no flushes.

    • Posted

      I am on 10mg of citalopram a day and have been since January if last year when all my symptoms got too much and ended up crying in the doctors consultation room . All of this was exacerbated following the death of my mum in June 2015 . All of this seemed to start then . I also did cbt , but they did say it probably wouldn't help my anxiety because a lot of it stemmed from grief .

  • Posted

    There is a virus around at the moment. I'm in the north west uk. I was hot and light headed last week then the runny nose and sore throat and fatigue. Rest up for a few days and see if it passes or develops. Then you'll know either way. Hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Just noticed your anaemia. Have you tried liquid feroglobin?  I used ferrous fumarate tablets on prescription and was fine with them. Any others upset my stomach and made skin itch.
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      Yes I had ferrous fumate also but no I haven't tried the liquid I'm just taking menopace at the moment xx

    • Posted

      Weirldy, I am in the North West as well and for the last ten days have felt like I have the flu and had a sore throar and a bad stomach. So there is a virus and it isn't just me? xx

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      Hi Sally. Yes the doctor told my daughter about the virus when my granchildren were ill. I probably caught it from them. I have felt nauseous too and feel my sinus are blocked now.  

      Hope you feel better soon! xx

  • Posted

    Hi Jane me too I'm exactly the same get hot really quickly especially when doing the housework feelin faint and have to rest I too am still havin periods I'm 51 but they are hit and miss when they come they are really heavy and yes I too was anemic prob due to heavy periods xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Jane, sounds like the menopause I get like that only have to do house work or eat or drink hot food I'm hot..worst at night because your not moving around, get fan it helps lots water your not on your own do what's best to ease the symptoms but always remember all normal nothing wrong with you ok.

  • Posted

    Hi Jane63977

    ?Sounds like menopause to me.The weather doesn't help when u do housework i know only to well.Ilike you had the anxiety aswell .. I am on HRT takes the anxiety & hot sweats away. Felt like i could not function. I had aneamia was put on iron for a while all fine now.

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      Hi mars I too was anemic and put on iron how long were you on it and what was it
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      Hi Nanette, i was on them for quite a few months they were ferrous fumerate , one a day
  • Posted

     A couple of years back I had a summer that was just absolutey unbearable.  I was hot, dizzy, off balance...could not be in the sun for any reason.  Could not go out or do anything unless it had to do with being in the lake.  It was the only place i felt decent.  For the ten steps from my back door to my car I would almost faint...it was that bad.  I thought for sure there was something terribly wrong with me...but there wasn't...it was just peri and heat issues.  

    Keep a cold wet hat on your head at all times, and sometimes a wet cold cloth on your neck.  It will bring some relief.

  • Posted


    I am a post meno lady and yes what you are describing is how I used to be.  It got so bad that I felt I wanted to rip my skin off.  I remember washing my hair and leaving it wet because hairdryer was unbearable, I kept putting the hose all over myself, at one point I got into the dogs paddling pool fully clothed as I just couldn't get cool.  This was all new to me as I suffer from hypo-t I am used to being cold.  Once you reach menopause symptom do persist sometimes but don't worry they are a minor nuisance.  Anxiety can also cause you to be hot and make flushes worse. Take care x

    • Posted

      Hi Bumblebee i just read your post to jane,  i am post meno now  the anxiety can deff make the sweats worse omg so hot @ times
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      My anxiety is now pretty much gone, really only now if in very stressful situations thank goodness.  If anxiety isn't through the roof lavender oil capsules may help, from research they can have the same affect as benzos etc without ant side effects.  I only really have 1 or 2 heat sensations and night sweats now, but nothing like before its more of an annoyance really, ever hopeful will soon disappear completely, wishing you the same LOL x

    • Posted

      Thanks yes i have a couple of night sweats but nothing like they were i will give the lavender oil capsules a go ha x


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