Feeling so ill again
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As I am writing this I am feeling so ill . I have had a migraine on and off the past couple of days and I am due on this week . The thing is I am fed up of feeling like this . I woke up in the night thinking I was going to be sick, I was sweating and then felt so cold and shivery . I hope it's a bug really that I caught off a girl at work . She came in to work Friday still feeling rough after being sick for two days ( id worked with her also the day she went down with the bug ) . She had only just stopped being sick when she came to work and her little boy had had it also the week before . I have had lots of stomach problems , migraines , health anxiety , panic attacks and I'm sure I had a breakdown following the death of my mum last year . I am 49 . I always seem to be ill with something . I used to be so fit . I worry in seriously ill . I've had so many tests and I keep having time off work . Help please . Jane x
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kelly55079 jane63977
I'm sorry to hear that... I was having terrible headaches Fri- Sat- Sun and thought it was due to the weather.. But it could be from my period. I would go to your Dr for an antidepressant on anietxy. It could help with your panic attacks. This is also the time of year to be getting sick-- lots of 'stuff' going around... You can start taking vit C or even Cod Liver Butter Oil to ward off any potiential bug/viruses.. I take Cod Liver Butter Oil for that as well. I think it works great!! Just wish I could figure out how to give it to my tweens.
maria____a64048 jane63977
Hi jane, it is the hormones. I went through the same symptoms except migraines. I took magnesium for anxiety and panic attacks, which really helped me. B vitamins, especially b12 for mood swings. I had some digestive issues also, I had burning and bloating after eating. I could only eat small amounts of food at a time. I would get full so fast. The burning and bloating eventually stopped, followed by a loss of appetite. I lost a scary 30 pounds within several months. I thought I was dying.
Happy to say that my appetite has returned, no more stomach issues. I have gained back 5 pounds. It will eventually resolve itself. Hormones are responsible for a lot of body functions, we take them for granted. Then when they become unbalanced, so does our body and emotions.
It will pass eventually, I took hrt for the horrible night sweats. I haven't had any for several months now. I am in menopause now, I hope my symptoms don't come again.
I am on citalopram actually and my anxiety isn't as bad as it was , but these upset stomachs and bad migraines really get me down . I've been like this on and off for a year and a half and I just wonder how much longer this will go on . My periods are still regular and heavy , but I'm hoping that they will gradually become less soon . Here's hoping , fingers crossed X
kim74983 jane63977
i was getting so sick for awhile ( stopped mostly i think cause of hormone patch )
anyway, i read up on hot flashes and they start with increase body temp, then nauseous ( i would puke ) then chills. i had it all. i read put cold wash cloth on back of your neck to bring body temp down quick and it wont last as long or be as bad. it did seeem to jelp me some before i got on hormones. good luck. take care
I seem to have this sick to my stomach feeling when I have or have had a migraine and around the time of the month , so I guess it's all hormone related , but I worry so and I haven't got my migraines mum to turn to anymore . My husband and daughter are very understanding , but unless you are in that situation you don't properly understand . It's good to have all you lovely ladies on here to chat to . Lots of love Jane X
kelly55079 jane63977
So still sitting here feeling sorry for myself . I just seem to worry about everything and hate feeling sick . I just want to feel completely well again . I never really seemed to get ill , apart from migraines , now it's most weeks I have some symptom or another . Should I be worried ? Is this despair normal? I'm already on antidepressants . I used to have a terrible time with my periods when I was young , so maybe all these peri symptoms are par for the course now .
maria____a64048 jane63977
I experienced the despair also. Now I don't anymore. You have to get up and move, start going for walks by yourself. Do things for yourself, things you really enjoy, even when you don't want to. Feeling sorry for yourserlf makes the despair worst. I went through the same thing also.
This website is really good for us women, connecting with other women face to face in person is the best therapy
kelly55079 maria____a64048
I agree with you. One has to get up and take walks, cooking, etc.. Being good to yourself helps in so many ways. A few months ago I was feeling really bad-- sleeping all the time. I thought for sure something was wrong but once the blood test came back great- I had to start improving myself. My goal is to do some kind of exercise every day-- even if it's on the floor for 30 minutes. I'm eating more veggies and fruits.. I'm getting more accomplished around the house. : ) I have to pick myself up otherwise I will be a mess around the holidays.
pinkcatfairy jane63977
I take magnesium for anxiety and panic atracks, I was getting them bad, I take in form of multi vit for over fifties and it really has helped me feel better in that department. Sorry to hear about your mum, bereavement is another story, sadly I lost my mum twenty years ago but bereavement caused me to have panic attacks then! X