Feeling so overwhelmed and tired tummy issues
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here once again with stomach issues it seems to come on every month before or after my menstrual cycle but this time I feels like a sore stomach and a sore back burning sensation I've been trying to watch what I eat but it seems like it doesn't matter what it is it's not helping very much my bowel movements were little off but today I feel better in that part it's always something I feel so depressed all I do is cry I have no social life all I want to do is just crawl in bed and stay there 5 years and counting I'm 47 and I feel like if I'm 80 I pray to God everyday this is over soon I just want to have a normal life and enjoy my family my grandchildren be the grandmother that they need can anybody relate to this situation God bless you ladies and thank you for listening!!!
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patriciawil3 marisol06794
I completely understand, I am 55 years old and I feel the same way, I gained weight and I can not eat, All I want to do is stay in bed all day, I am so tired of being tired and depressed, I tried Hrt and it is not helping, For the first time in my life I can not find a solution, It is horrible, I want to be energetic and happy and I feel so tired. I tried to change the way I eat and nothing seems to help,
marisol06794 patriciawil3
thank you Patricia sorry to hear that you also are going through this it's so hard I can feel good for a week and then bam there we go again I've also gained a lot of weight around 35 lb I don't feel good with myself anymore Nothing fits me okay but what depresses me the most is all these symptoms that just don't go away just one after the other and this tummy issues tummy pain burning sensation that radiates all the way to my back I just want a break from all of this I will be praying for us all thank you so much for giving me some comfort I know I'm not alone hope you feel better soon blessings!!!
nancys21 marisol06794
Same here. I've been a hermit for years now. The weight gain came out of no where. One day my pants just wouldn't button. I was freezing cold for years, and now the hot flashes are unbearable. It's such an awful life now. I wish I had grandchildren. Struggling to take care of my graduated 17 year old now. You're not alone! My crying spells FINALLY stopped a few months ago, and finding this forum has really saved me. Hang in there!
marisol06794 nancys21
thank you Nancy sorry to hear that you two are on this never ending roller coaster just when you think you're better you get hit again with something worse I like you got the cold chills and hot flashes and the weight gain horrible I can't imagine you going through this and struggling with your teenage child it has to be hard my grandchildren are a blessing it just hurts me so much i can't enjoy them like i should I am so happy I found this forum because I have nobody close to me that's going through what we're going through hopefully we will get through this I will have you all in my prayers God bless!!
Nancy2121 marisol06794
Thanks for your kind words marisolo6. I SO understand how you feel. It's great that you have your grandchildren. Try to stay positive and thank you for the prayers. God bless!
joann1972 marisol06794
I have been dealing with the same issue. Had my first visit with a new Dr. and left so disappointed. Frustrated that doctors don't seem to take things seriously.
I have found the only thing that helped recently was FDGard. It brought me some tummy relief after trying just about everything else. Maybe perhaps it will help you as well. Keep fighting the good fight... We will come out on the other side stronger.
Sending good vibes your way.
marisol06794 joann1972
hi joann thank you so much for your comforting words I completely understand where you're coming from the doctors just want to brush us off with any excuse I think they have no clue of what we go through I would definitely try out FDGard hopefully like you I would find some relief with it God willing we will get through this hope you feel better soon blessings I will have you in my prayers!!!