Feeling terrible.
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Hi all, I started Sertraline about 5 weeks ago, firstly I was fine really helped with my low mood swings. BUT 2 weeks ago I started with a pain on the right side of my temple NOT a migrane ( I suffer with migranes ) more throbbing, this continued for 2 weeks also feeling sick but that was for a few days then it passed.however today I have felt sick and really bad acid reflux. Everything I have done ate drank nothing has got rid of the reflux not even my medication!. The pain I have been getting hasn't been present today? Does anyone else get this ? Is it normal at what I'm experiencing? I knw it's not a migrane not even a headache just a pulsing throb. And I'm most definitely pregnant as I'm 46 and roughly 9 months peri.im thinking could it be a side effect from the Sertiline? But I have read and re read and nothing comes up ? I'm dumbfounded as to why I'm like this? Anyone I'm hoping someone else is experiencing this and to be resumed that this is normal? Thanks ladies a
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GeorgiaS Shelly0069
mynamewastaken Shelly0069
susan21149 Shelly0069
I can take a lot of these antidepressants because my body is so sensitive to these meds i have really bad side effects with it.
I have read that seritiline can cause headaches so you should talk to your doctor about it it could be a reverse side effect that you are having on the medication
Shelly0069 susan21149