Feeling upset
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There is a Facebook page called Surviving polymyalgia rheumatica without prednisone. And a person posting that she cured herself by following a very strict anti-inflammatory diet. When I tried to get more information (how long had she been ill, how did her recovery progress, etc) she took offense. I had suggested that if her recovery had been a genuine recovery from PMR she should publish a paper because there are thousands of us who could benefit. So now I feel a little sick because she took offense and refused to answer my questions. But what if she is right? But I know she can't be, not for the majority of us anyway. And by advocating this method she may be endangering people at risk of GCA.
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Silver49 Anhaga
Anhaga Silver49
FlipDover_Aust Anhaga
That said, it IS dangerous to tell people that they shouldn't take pred.
I wouldn't worry about it, she clearly has her own demons.
Anhaga FlipDover_Aust
ptolemy Anhaga
gail2910-US-MI Anhaga
I followed a food plan for 2 months--anti inflammatory: no GRAINS, no alcohol, no DAIRY and no SUGAR. I lost quite a bit of weight and felt great. My husband quit snoring, didn't need to use his Neti pot in the a.m. and peed less at night! I was however in such pain from my hips that needed replacing, it did not diminish pain and certainly would be hard to say the impact on PMR.
I will say that i have no sx of PMR currently( following my surgeries)(I am on 3.0 pred) and I would not hesitate to resume that diet and see what the outcome was. I have to be able to get about and be able to cook a lot though in the early days because you have to have some things prepared.Not there yet!! ( I am not sure persuading my husband will be easy though.)
EileenH gail2910-US-MI
I already cook 2 meals most nights, he is so restricted in what he will eat and most of it I can't eat - the thought of anything with more than 3 lines on the ingredients just turns me off - we go out for that sort of food!
And that from someone who until PMR would have described her main hobby as cooking and baking...
Silver49 EileenH
EileenH Silver49
OH had cancer 21 years ago - lost a lot of his sense of taste or it altered due to chemo and now won't eat most of the things I used to cook beforehand. He also had great difficulty swallowing things like pasta and rice. He survived what should have been terminal for 21 years, who am I to argue about what he'll eat?
Silver49 EileenH
maid_mariane Anhaga
Just today at my mom's condo I was talking to the head office and it somehow came up that I'm disabled and they said no way. We do look great and especially since I'm tanned from being away. Educating people on the disease and the drug is important. They couldn't believe I couldn't move months ago.
So if she took offense I say why, what are you hiding. So don't give her a second thought.
EileenH Anhaga
When we asked her to please stop being so aggressive to anyone who asked a question or said it wasn't an option for them she became quite abusive and we had to block her in the end. There have been others with similar claims of ways to manage PMR who have also become very nasty when you ask questions. So the response from the Facebook person isn't un-typical.
A lady in Edinburgh told us she too was using diet and - initially - said it worked. She lost a tremendous amount of weight despite being slender to start with though so either it wasn't this PMR or the diet was poor. At a later stage she did admit she was in a great deal of pain, had had to stop working and then never reappeared.
A study did show that half of patients with RA could achieve great relief from their joint pain by sticking to a very strict vegan diet. Any deviation from it, introducing even a very small amount of dairy protein, resulted in a return of the joint pain. It also only worked for half of patients - what the difference was wasn't identified. PMR isn't generally joint pain.
Both MrsO and I had to manage PMR with no pred, she spent much of a year in bed, being taken to hospital appointments by ambulance because she couldn't get there any other way. Eventually it burned out for a while only to later return and progress to full blown GCA.
As someone has said - if you have GCA that is affecting cranial arteries then you need pred if you don't want to risk going blind. Permanently - I have heard people claim they got some vision back but it is pretty much impossible since an area of the optic nerve dies. Nerves rarely regenerate. Unmanaged GCA in arteries in the trunk put you at massive risk of later cardiovascular problems - diet won't achieve that degree of relief of inflammation.
LayneTX Anhaga
Lately I've just missed tasting yummy foods I've given in. Holidays got me started... Yeah, I feel more pain.
Rheumy had me on 1500-3000 mg of Curcummin, but I think that helped mess up my stomach along with the Pred. Sometimes I'll take just 1 capsule of Curcummin and it makes my acid reflux worse.
So... I think she was just one of the lucky ones!
EileenH Anhaga
No Anhaga, pred is not a terrible mistake. It is the mainstream medicine management option - which for GCA is the only answer to avoid loss of vision. And the only proven way of managing severe PMR that is currently available. It works - diet doesn't reliably. And when diet does "work" after several months - there is no proof it was the diet that made it go away. PMR goes into remission spontaneously and there are other things that look like PMR but aren't and don't last as long. PMR responds to pred pdq!
gail2910-US-MI Anhaga
Anhaga gail2910-US-MI
gail2910-US-MI Anhaga
saw rheumatologist today. (first time since AVN dx and my surgeries)
He believes Pred did cause my AVN (just bad luck) and endorsed my plan to continue to reduce. He agreed there's no way to know if the PMR is gone in any other way. He suggests a fairly rapid clip, down .5mg every 2 wks with a close eye on symptoms. I may or may not go quite that rapidly but I am going down. Fingers crossed. Here I go!!!!
Anhaga gail2910-US-MI
EileenH gail2910-US-MI
I do realise why you want and need to reduce the dose but there has to be a happy medium.
gail2910-US-MI EileenH
I was at 4.0 Nov 30, date of my first surgery. Dropped to 3.5 after that and stuck there till Jan 20 (2nd surgery) when I tapered to 3.0.
How soon would you try 2.5?
I am terrified to go too fast and set "something" in motion but also terrified to develop AVN in some other joints since it was pretty damn unlikely ("rotten luck") to develop it in the first place.
EileenH gail2910-US-MI
There's no reason at all not to start trying to reduce asap if you are feeling well - but I wouldn't go at 0.5mg every 2 weeks at this stage - not just because of the withdrawal aspect but also to allow your adrenal set-up to keep up as it has to get its act together too. I'm OK at 4mg but half way to 3mg using the dead slow and nearly stop approach I am so tired it isn't true!
On the other hand - if you drop the 0.5mg and DON'T have any immediate pain you probably aren't getting steroid withdrawal problems. My reservation then is that if you drop again so soon then you can't see if the PMR is flaring up at that dose.
Obviously I'm not going to say it's unlikely you'll develop AVN at these low doses - never say never - but the risk must be a lot lower now surely?
gail2910-US-MI EileenH
I am still on (1) 7.5 Norco post op about every 6 hours. Sometimes 8. That wouldn't mask PMR sx would it?
EileenH gail2910-US-MI
You have a doctor who admits a bit of humility comes in handy? Hang on to him!
Yes, it always makes it feel better when they've made a mess and you serve as the educator
Like me when I was given the wrong abx to go with Medrol and spent 9 months on crutches. Which I was doing fine on until someone insisted I needed a statin - 7 days of that at half dose almost had me in a wheelchair...
gail2910-US-MI EileenH
and I agree with you. I really do not fault my doctor at all but that doesn't make the path forward any clearer.....courage!! Onward!!
Anhaga gail2910-US-MI