Feeling very unwell, anxious.. please :(

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Hi guys 4.5 months in I feel weak and unwell... not as weak as in the beginning but I am still scared of feeling flu like and weak and pain in my right mid back area. Also having sharp pains in my neck, abdominal area, and collarbone area. Still have night sweats on and off ... headache...

I am scared this is something worse.. I feel so alone really can’t do this anymore sad 

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Van,

    I know just how you feel, I felt this way for months. I just wanted to feel normal and it got to the point where I thought I would feel this way forever. I have recovered it was a long slow process. I understand feeling that it may be something worse I said that very thing.

  • Posted

    I’m at month 9 I promise you it goes get better. It just takes time most people are around 1-2 years. I was so poorly at 4/5 months until like month 7 I got a tiny bit better and FINALLY as of this month neck pain is only 60% of the time rather than all the time and no where near as painful! Is does get better 
    • Posted

      Hey Van,

      I was the same when I went through this, I was so scared of it being something worse because it just felt like it had to be at times the intensity and horribleness of it all. It can affect different folk in so many ways, the symptoms you describe do sound consistent with mono for sure, remember it is normal for this to go on this length of time and equally normal for you to go on and make a full recovery once this time is by. I was still having horrible symptoms by 4-5 months, didn't feel the intensity had lessened much at all, but BY FAR this is the worst period and the intensity does lessen from here on in, until full recovery comes. Of course do keep knocking the doctor's door down when not feeling great, if you can get them to do regular blood tests that can offer some reassurance that it is just the mono and nothing else, which I feel sure it is but always wise to check in with the doc.

      Really hoping things settle down Van, I still trust in God and believe that He will bring FULL healing from this in your life. Don't panic if it still takes a bit of time, that can happen, but you will get there I truly believe that 100%, and back to a full and active way of life again. Thinking about you and just take things one day at a time, I know how debilitating the mental as well as physical effects can be - remember there IS life after this virus even though it doesn't feel like it when in the midst of it, full recovery WILL happen given time.

      Take care and just hang in there - remember the forum is always good place to check in when feeling alone, I totally get it as I felt the same way. Thinking of you too Rosanna and Mono too, hang in there!


    • Posted

      Craig I was reading old old old posts today and your constant reassurance made me feel calmer even if they were directed at other people 2 years ago.

      I hope you recognize how much of a positive impact you’ve had on the people on the forum. Thank you! 

  • Posted

    Thank you for your replies. I have done.m nothing this weekend but lay in bed and reading the old threads on this forum. I feel incredibly alone and hopeless. My memories from a year ago keep popping up on Facebook and I would do anything to go back to that day and feel happy and healthy and peaceful. Everyone thinks I’m a liar because my tests are coming back fine.. I feel like a giant parasite to my family and friends with nothing good to give just taking taking taking. My existence doesn’t do anyone any good I’m making things depressing and ruining stuff for other people around me. 
    • Posted

      Hi Van,

      I am so sorry you are feeling this way, this virus does this to you and the weird depression/anxiety it causes makes it so hard to cope, you will feel better it takes forever but it will happen.  

      i used to look at people walking and jogging in the neighborhood and feel so down, thinking I would never be able to participate in life again, but it happened and recovery will make you look at life in an entirely different way, the only blessing to come out of this horrible virus.

      It is so hard for the family and friends to understand because on the surface you look well and the tests show past virus,I think either the virus is stronger or that it is an immune system reaction.  

    • Posted

      Thanks for your kind words, I was re-reading old threads your messages have made me feel calmer even though they weren’t directed at me... reading about others experience is the only thing that really calms me down 

      I hope you continue to recover ❤️ And that each day is better for you 

  • Posted

    I truley understand where you are coming from im on about month 2 for feeling weak and tired and over the past month I've felt very I'll and sore. The pain has gotten very sever to The point where I have been drugged up and I feel like Its my time to die lol. But trust me it will get better the worst part of this virus is the mental game, stay strong and fight it smile from a fellow vancouverite I hope you get better asap!

    • Posted

      Hi fellow vancouverite! Did they put something in the water where we live? I am a normally healthy and active working 25 year old professional... what is this crap!!!!!????? 

      Ah well... hope you’re doing better each day. I know that from the point that I first got sick (November) until now I’ve improved... (was totally bedbound and going to ER every week because I literally felt like I was dying *hangs head in embarrassment*) 

      Still tough when suddenly you feel very unwell again and you know docs are useless 

    • Posted

      Hi Van / 50,

      Oh I do totally understand where you're coming from, I'm just so sorry you've been feeling so low. It's totally understandable. I was exactly the same as you, I had the virus when I was 25, was so active before it and just felt like it had all been taken away from me and after a longish period without much recovery, I really felt like I was going to have to adapt to a new 'normal' lesser way of life.

      Let me reassure you Van, this will NOT be the case for you. After 5 months, your body still really is right in the midst of the virus and not quite far enough away yet to see light maybe, but that light is on its way - your body resilience DOES come back (I thought mine never would, I thought I would never be able to cope with anything stressful or strenuous again - but given time I was and it was amazing - the same will come for you too).

      Oh 50, the same is true for you that you WILL get there. There is plenty to live for, just hang on for now, remember that this time will pass - it's okay to accept this is not a great moment but that things will get better again - truly they will and truly you will experience full recovery.

      I had all the same kind of frustrations with doctors too, blood tests showing 'normal' all the time after initial diagnosis, thinking 'how can this be when I'm feeling so bad?'. But do take that as reassuring because it means it IS the virus that's causing this and nothing else, and once the virus gets under control you will be back to full health again.

      I was in bits after 5 months, struggling physically and mentally, so tired because had come such a long way and still feeling such intensity in the symptoms. But truly you have already weathered the worst stage Van - without doubt, what you will experience over the coming months I believe will be the start of recovery, until the point that full recovery comes. If it still takes a bit of time, don't panic, as I say it took me really 9-10 months before I really started to get any confidence in my recovery and started to feel more normal. Hoping this isn't as long for you, but you WILL get back to a full and active lifestyle again - 100% I truly believe that having been in the same place and feeling all those fears and doubts too. God heals!

      Hang in there and just cope with each day at a time, don't beat yourself up and allow your mind and body to rest (easier said than done I know), in the knowledge that what you're going through IS normal for the virus and then it's equally normal after many months to then go on and make total recovery.


      P.S. Nothing to be ashamed or worried about in going to ER or seeking the doctor - it's THEM who often don't understand or show the necessary compassion or support, not you - you're doing the right thing seeking help and God will bring help and protection through this time even if finding it hard with the doctors

    • Posted

      I'm starting to think that maybe they are poisoning us! I'm a very active 19 year old student so getting sick is very rare for me especially this sick I'm hoping to see improvement soon! Hopefully we are both better by the time the rains clears and it's the sunny city again!

    • Posted

      Oh 50 I know it's so hard, there's nothing worse than constantly visiting doctors and ER and not getting anywhere - I've been there and really empathise with this.

      Just keep remembering there is recovery from this virus - even if it takes a bit of time there is full recovery because of Jesus - trusting Him for your recovery and I really truly genuinely believe you are going to make a full 100% recovery.

      Take care and hang in there - just cope with each day as it comes right now and in the tough days, don't look too far ahead.


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