Feeling weird
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Hi girls anyone feels bit weird I invited my friend around after such a long time and I got excited and I felt off balance and heart palpations just felt bit different anyone relate to this when being around people at times.
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Marisa02082 maria76995
yes....I feel like that all the time...I really dislike that feeling alot!! Your not alone . It's part of hormones shifting...I feel.
maria76995 Marisa02082
Indifferent maria76995
I feel like this everytime I have to be around others as well, and for a few days afterward if I hsve to deal with many people. This week has been terrible, I have had to deal with both travel and crowds the past few days due to an incident and I feel awful! I just want to sleep. And next week I have to do it all over again. I am quite anxious about it, but the rescue remedy I am taking is keeping the panic at bay, thank goodness or I would be in tears right now.
I can't wait for life to be normal again. People used to wear me out but now my whole body gets affected. My stomach as well
maria_03422 maria76995
Yes. I spend the day with a friend and I had a panic attack! My husband start planning our summer vacation and I don't want to hear it. Scared to get on a plane cruise ship..anything to do with crowds...
Trishann maria_03422
Oh my!! I deal with this all the time!! 😞 It's horrible and I get hot flashes and anxiety bad thinking of it! The fear of being away frightens me!
sara97862 maria76995
Hi Maria,
Yes, I get this feeling too.
I used to love crowds, traveling, people watching, sporting events, church, socializing....
Now Id rather stay home.
Sometimes its an anxioys feeling. Sometimes its an angry feeling.
Always its overwhelming.
I literally feel like the whole crowd is watching me and thinking "why cant this woman keep it together? Shes obviously defective. Why is she even here?"
Which is totally crazy... On the outside I look like laid back and confident, and on the inside I am a total wreck.
It makes me dizzy, achey and exhausted.
And even with family... People I know very well who love and support me, and understand what I'm going through.
It's hard.
I wish I knew if a good answer for that one. I force myself to go most times, but cant say i enjoy it.
maria_03422 sara97862
The same with me..a simple dinner out with my husband and a few minutes in the restaurant and start feeling hot the feeling that I can't take a breath dry mouth..and like you I can pretend everything is fine but inside me a whole phycho conversation with myself taking place
is horrible..
sara97862 maria_03422
Goddess1 maria76995
Hi Maria,
yes girl I've felt like that too! I feel so not my self sometimes and inadequate ughhhhh! I notice when I got for walks and drink chamomile tea it feels somewhat better…! Good luck to you hunny, you are Not alone!
Fairywren maria76995
Does everyone's husband/partner ' get' this? do they have understanding and empathy?
Not to mention patience
I wonder about the timing with their own midlife crisis maybe happening about that time too.Maybe that helps?
I think they have to be gently reminded-a lot.It's a tricky thing to explain I find.