Feeling weird after period goes off
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Hi Ladies!
Hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas and I am wishing you all an even better New Year!
After my last period went off last week, I felt like I had a lot of pressure in my head. I have been struggling with allergies anyways but my head was really bothering me. On New Year's eve, I was at church and my head was again feeling a lot of pressure and all of a sudden I saw these little dots or spots before my eyes and just like that they went away. Of course this sent me into a panic but I was able to calm myself down. I realized after I got home and was able to assess my symptoms that I was having a migraine. I get them occaisionally but I have never had one to the point where I see the lights. I have heard of the bursts of light that can happen with them. But my question is this, of you ladies who also suffer with migraines, what works for you? Is there anything herbal that I can take because I am sensitive to medications. I do have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday coming up and I will discuss this with her but I was curious to know if any of you had a tried and true remedy. I don't ever want to feel like that again!
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maddysmom2015 sharcerv52408
So sorry you are having migraines! I got them before my period when my sleep was disrupted and/or when I overheated. Mine always started in my stomach with a particular kind of nausea. Then the lights and wobbly vision.
Oner thing I did was consciously try to relax my jaw. A Dr. told me that a migraine perpetuates itself through the muscle tension in your head and face when you tense up with the pain.
Lying in the dark and quiet helped too. The trick is to get into the dark and quiet at the first sign of the lights and nausea. Give yourself permission to stay there in the quiet until the headache is gone. Getting up when you feel a little better is too soon.
sharcerv52408 maddysmom2015
Thank you Maddysmom. I think what triggered the lights was my church's lights. They are very bright. I may need to wear tinted glasses or shades when I go to prevent this from reoccurring.
brendababy sharcerv52408
I have suffered from migraine for years mainly before or at the end of my period. They have became more frequent and intense since I entered Peri, I also have the visual disturbance and flashing lights sometimes which always freaks me out
Ask your doctor about the triptans they really are great for dealing with migraine and the sooner you take it the faster it gets rid of the intense pain
Good luck x
sharcerv52408 brendababy
carmen_22574 sharcerv52408
I just learned something new from you. I had the same symptoms and didn't realize these were migraines.
sharcerv52408 carmen_22574
Yes it is a very disconcerting feeling. First it's the pressure in top of the head/scalp area. Then in the face/cheek/jaw area and then the neck and shoulders. You feel lethargic, nauseous, lightheaded and an unusual aura that accompanies these symptoms. It is dreadfully awful! I started getting them in 2014 when my peri symptoms started getting worse. But I had never had it this bad before and certainly not with the lights! It scared me to death! I thought I was having a stroke. Talk to your doctor about them. I'm going to on Wednesday.
carmen_22574 sharcerv52408
Please can you keep me posted on your drs appt and how you make out. Pray that you feel better. Who would've thought this could happen.
sharcerv52408 carmen_22574
I'm surprised at a lot of the things peri symptoms can cause. But I will update you after I see my doctor.
pinkcatfairy sharcerv52408
I never suffered with migraines ever but in peri had the migraine auras, at first I wondered what they were zig zags of light, I did have as many as four a month, thankfully I hardly have them now! I didnt take anything for them x
metamorphed sharcerv52408
hi. I take an anti-histamine when I feel a migraine starting. It was given to me when I went to hospital once and then I read about the migraine/histamine connection. I don't take these all the time, just when I start a migraine (which are much less now). See what your doctor says and look up about migraine/histamine. I also avoid certain 'high histamine' foods, such as strawberries and cheese. Your migraines may not come from food triggers but if you think they might, and you've eaten something that high histamine, you can then have something low histamine like an apple which can balance it. I'm not an expert on this at all, but you should look it up and ask your doctor too. hope this helps somehow.!
sharcerv52408 metamorphed
mabel91872 sharcerv52408