feeling well mental today on mirtizapine

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here we go again the roller coaster is back on......the mirts are making me crazy...yesterday i managed to get out of house...today hiding scared....didnt even want my best friend to visit as incapable of conversation...shes coming in a few hours and i am terrified what the hell is is all about....thoughts to anyne going through the same...i pray for us all

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    oh lesley, god help us.  maybe you can do some breathing to help
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      god knows love but wish it would go away im driving myself insane here lol ....
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      you know its bad when you cant even face your best friend or anyone there has to be an answer somewheregod help us
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      okay, i have to get up ..

      i don't think yoy should go up and down with the med.  my psych gotkindof mad.... however has he experienced what we have???

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      go girl u get up and running...i am not going up and down with meds sticking at 30 and praying for a miracle.....and yes they havent got a clue....
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      not really been having a glass or wine or two to help which i know is wrong but only thing that works!!
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      yep would crack one open now but my friends coming so cant be wonky so thats a good thing...when will this madness pass i wonder....mmmmm
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      Hi Lesley, just checking in to see how you're doing? Wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you x
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      hi Brandy thans for the thoughts been rough the last few days all hidey away and semi agraphopic but really have to keep trying as its only me that can fix myself thanks for caring hope you are good?
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      Hi Lesley, keep trying doll you will get there at your own pace & in your own time, I'm not too bad, started taking 7.5mg of mirt again every other night to see does it help with the WD & to get a nights sleep, not feeling good today so I doubt it's working - but like the rest of us I will persevere, stay strong, thinking of you x
    • Posted

      Hi Brandy thanks for words of wisdom...gotta keep going even when we dont feel like it,,,,oh so u reducing dose to help withdrawals ive been off them for 5 days now and havent experienced any physical feelings just feel like rubbish no motivation or whatever!!..god its hell but as u say girl stay strong and keep going we have no option do we doll...take care thinking of you  x
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    , how are you doing?


    • Posted

      hey Suzie well no withdrawal symptoms physically but really down and depressed..hey ho trying to kick myself up the butt as its up to me..how are you doing girl ??

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