Feeling zoned out/drunk with head pressure. Please help!
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Hello everyone.
I came across this website while searching for the name of the condition I have been dealing with for close to one year now. I hope I can find someone that is dealing or has dealt with a similar condition as I am going through right now. I know that this post is very long so I thank you for your time in advance.
I am a 22 year old male and I started to develop my initial symptoms from November 2018. My vision started to feel zoned out when I wasn't zoning out. I don't exactly know how to describe it but it kind of feels like when you are tipsy without dizziness. At times things around me looked slightly blurry. I know that it wasn't to do with my eye sight because a month before I had already got it checked and my eye sight was pretty good actually. So I thought that it was to do with my neurological stuff. I ignored my symptoms for a couple of months and finally in Jan 2019 I decided to visit a local neuropsychiatrist. The doctor prescribed me some pills which I assumed that it was for my neurological stuff but later found out that they were for depression and anxiety. By this point, I developed tingly, pulsating tension between my eyebrows and in the bones behind my ears.
I was quite sure that my condition wasn't due to psychological causes so later in Jan I decided to visit a different neurologist in a bigger hospital. I got an MRI of my brain done which came out clean. The doctor told me that she sees nothing wrong with the MRI and that my symptoms are probably linked to my mental health. I took that advice and went to see a psychiatrist who prescribed me antidepressants. I was on the pills for eight months until this August. During the period of these eight months, my condition did not improve at all but in fact became gradually worse until present.
My visual perception became worse. Although I can see everything fine it just feels widened out (if that makes sense). In other words, my eyes find it difficult to focus to the point that talking to a person face to face is difficult because the face of the person I am talking appears slightly blurry. I just feel like as if I am drunk or high (that is the closest to how I can put it into words). The tingly, pulsating tension between my eyebrows is still present and when it moves to the bones behind my ears, it feels like my bones are going to break. In addition to these symptoms, recently I started to feel pins and needles on my back. Sometimes it just tingles but sometimes I get this spot on my upper back, right below my neck, where I feel concentrated feeling of pins and needles. In fact, I didn't develop this symptom recently but had it March 2019 as well on my right side right above my lower back but eventually disappeared. The feeling has returned about a week ago. Another symptom that I have been dealing with is that when I turn my head or move my eyeballs, I sometimes get this jerk feeling which runs from my left chest to my left arm.
Apart from my physical symptoms my cognitive ability has decreased significantly. I am not able to think clearly anymore. The condition I have been dealing with started to take a toll on me psychologically as well. I am not exactly sure who I am anymore and get this constant detachment between my physical self and mental self. I want to make it clear that the psychological aspect is a consequence of my physical condition.
Until date, I have seen multiple neurologists but they haven't been able to figure out the cause behind my symptom since my brain MRI looks clean and the pills I took from my psychiatrists did not help me at all. This condition has really taken its toll on me to the point that I have even lost my zeal to live anymore. I don't like to get out to public places and meeting people has become really hard. If any one of you has experienced similar conditions or has any advice for how I should proceed with it such as medical tests and etc., please let me know. Your smallest help can really make a positive change in my life. Thank you for your help and time.
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michelle70460 jung97
Hi there. I haven't personally experienced anything like you describe. (i know you were hoping for that) You say youv'e had an MRI done which in itself is a big test & can reveal just about any anomaly in the body. I know you don't want to hear this but i do think alot of your symptoms come down to anxiety. What alot of people don't understand is that anxiety can manifest in many different ways & often present as physical. That's not to say that there isn't potentially a physical problem present but if the MRI is indicating nothing on your brain(which is good news) by the way then the issue is unlikely to be related to a neurological issue. However, i would keep persisting with doctors for even further investigation if you feel it could be something but anxiety is a funny thing & often people think that their problem is physical when in reality it is not. Good luck.
jung97 michelle70460
Thank you for your response. But do you think it's possible for me to experience all these symptoms from the moment I open my eyes in the morning to closing my eyes at night every single day for the last one year due to anxiety?
michelle70460 jung97
Absolutely. When people suffer anxiety the body goes into a 'fight or flight' mode & for people that suffer from it regularly this 'fight or flight' mode can be difficult to switch off. Anxiety as i'm sure you are aware is just a state of mind. What i mean is that we tend to worry about things we don't really need to, we just think we do. When anxiety gets bad enough it can manifest into physical symptoms & then in turn the person then starts to worry that something is seriously wrong with them. It becomes a vicious cycle really. As i said before, it is possible there may be a problem somewhere so keep at your doctors to get to the bottom of it but an MRI has given you the all clear as far as anything on your brain & believe me an MRI is not likely to miss much. Keep going till you get a definitive answer.
jung97 michelle70460
Thank you for your reply.