Feels Like a Heartattack
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Hello Ladies,
A couple of months ago I started having chest tightness/pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath. I've been to the hospital a few times and my blood work, EKG and ECCO all came back normal. Yet my symptoms continue to come and go. This past July, I was driving into town for lunch with my daughter and my hands, arms, neck and face started to burn. Not sweat, just get very hot. I became lightheaded too. At the doctors office, my EKG showed my heart rate was at 130 and I was transferred to hospital where all my symptoms stopped. For the longest time the doctors kept telling me I was having a panic attack, one doctor gave me a large dose of adavent (?) and it did NOTHING. She finally admitted she no longer thought it was panic and tried an anti-inflammatory which seemed to help. I was referred to a cardiologist who has checked everything and I'm ok. Except I still have the chest tightness, pain (only on left side includes arm and neck), shortness of breath, hot face and ears (while the rest of my body is cold) and sooo tired after one of these episodes. The cardiologist is sending me in for a CT scan to see if I have any blockages (which he doesn't think I have), he is trying to reassure me. I've also noticed my vision is a wee bit wonky. Oh, I've just turned 40 (both Mom and Grandma started early/finished early, done well before 45), I still get my period every month but it's now coming two weeks earlier and is super heavy. My cardiologist did hormone testing and it showed normal so he isn't even willing to consider its menopause, yet my mom says in some ways it sounds similar to her experience. Has anyone else had these symptoms?? And if yes, what helped? Thank you for listening ??
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karen96096 WildwoodMama
CarolKelso WildwoodMama
Hang tight and check in here for support. It can be a lonely ride but this forum has been a god send to many of us. This may not help a great deal but it can help to know you are not alone in how you feel. Xo CK
Guest WildwoodMama
Hello there! I hope my post will ease your mind a bit. I am 41. My dad died if a heart attack at 42. Aug 2017, at 40... I was awakened by left sided chest pain, sweats, palps, couldn’t catch my breath. I thought I was going to die in front of my kids. Called ambulance. My heart rate was insane. Iwas admitted and Spent night in the hospital. Then, in Dec, I was getting chest pressure...as if someone was pushing into my chest. Soent 4 nights in the hospital for observation. Long story short...2 stress tests, 1 heart catheter, 1 ultrasound, 1 ct scan. My ticker is healthy! Basically, my heart is appropriately responding to whatever going on in my body...changing hormones. Also, I have GERD and that causes problems which can mimic a heart attack too! Was on beta blocker, but, I have low BP and it made me real horrible, so I stopped. Get everything checked, of course! But, welcome to perimenopause hell! 😐
Guest WildwoodMama
Also...do not rely on your cardiologist for menopause issues...leave that to your gynecologist. Just like you wouldn’t go to your gyno for your heart. Hormone tests will be all over the place right now. My periods are closer and lighter...I’ve tested post meno 4x...estrogen and progesterone all over the place😉
pamela2016 WildwoodMama
Everything your doing I'm doing on a daily basis and I've been checked out this is my worst symptoms and the dizziness it's scary I've become obsessed with checking BP and heart rate and the hot face your talking about is horrible it never ends I don't know how to live like this hang in there I wish I had answers for you I can't get any from nobody and told it's all in my head anxiety I know it's not but boy if it don't cause panic mode and anxiety.
debra16694 WildwoodMama
Oh my goodness Wildwood Mama - Well, unfortunately your experience could probably be written by any of us on this forum. Isn’t it super re-assuring how when you go to the ER or drs, nobody really ever says this could be hormone related? I find it really interesting how woman experience these symptoms at various stages. It seems that most woman get the lion share of issues during Peri, I for one, have gotten slammed post menopause. I just suffered with night sweats, insomnia, flooding & weight gain in Peri, but this post menopause has been a real “S—t Show”. I guess the fireworks happen when your hormones make their final exit stage left. Almost every night I get awaken around 3:00 am with intense burning body parts mainly back & neck, I get extremely hot, sometimes palpitations sometimes not, can’t fall back to sleep for at least 2 hours. The sunburn/burning sensation stays with me for most of the day but is less. I have had tingling/electric shock also. Tingling seems to be less these days, but burning is ramping up. Often times when I wake up after these episodes I have shortness of breath, dry mouth and extreme anxiety. I also flush a lot & have tingling in my face that always makes me think “stroke”. I have scoured the web, asked numerous professional drs...what is this? Is it hormone related? Anxiety related? Gluten related? Glucose imbalance? Fibromyalgia? Is it just my type of “hot flash”, because if it is, I won the Mega Lottery of Hot Flashes. I didn’t mean to hijack your entry, but I just wanted to share with you that we are all having individual struggles on this forum. It appears this stage in woman’s health is by far the most neglected by the medical community. I can’t tell you how many times I have been told that my symptoms don’t sound like menopause symptoms & yet if you go on this forum (thank god for this forum) you will hear woman commiserating about such symptoms. The constant health struggle coupled with not definitive answers by Drs is tough to handle sometimes. Hang tight! Become friends with these woman on this forum. Believe in your body & learn to advocate for your health. Hope your menopause ride is short lived & easy - 💟
karen96096 debra16694
debra16694 karen96096
Lucky you Karen - I have gone to a female hormone specialist, one who clearly was my age who dismissed my symptoms as being menopause symptoms & suggested I concentrate on losing weight. Needless to say, I didn’t go back to her. It astounds me how ignorant some drs are about the various symptoms related to menopause.
CarolKelso debra16694
debra16694 CarolKelso
Hi Carol - I think I asked you this before, but where are you in your menopause stage? I am 61, 6 years post, but only started having weird symptoms 3 years ago & I am still chugging along. 😱
Finny2018 debra16694
Debra - this is a great post!!!! I am with you..."is it just my type of "hot flash", because if it is, I won the Mega Lottery of Hot Flashes.". OH how I could relate to that and so much of this post. You've put into words what so many of us are going through. I am beyond grateful for this forum - it is a DAILY CONFIRMATION of what we are all going through. I keep thinking -why are the researchers studying rats or observing random women - just come onto this forum and you've got all of the data and confirmation you need on what this meno is capable of. Did I say I am grateful for this forum?
My hot flashes can produces some of the creepiest of symptoms - I am beginning to note at least 5 "types" of flashes that I have (these are different than the lovely night sweats). Some of my hot flashes start off like feeling I've had 15 cups of coffee, then I get pain in an area of my body - just a random pain somewhere! that lasts about minute - then I feel irritated - then I feel sad - then I am sweaty or sometimes I'm not - ALL OF THIS In a span of 5 - 20 minutes. Then it's done! Then the next one is entirely different; maybe I suddenly feel nausea, nose starts running, feel weepy, feel like i'm going to faint but I know I'm not - weirdest feeling - then boom - sweating and done - all in span of 5 minutes. No hot flash is ever alike for me. I keep telling myself - I have to get used to this at some point? Thankful for all of my "sisters" on this forum!
debra16694 Finny2018
Thanks Finny - Ain’t it fun? That’s a really good way of putting it...you have a “chocolate box assortment” of hot flashes. I think our depleted hormones just zero in on the weakest part of our bodies...today i’ll Zero in on digestion, tomorrow, respitory., etc. etc. Yes, when I think of it, mine have evolved also. I now get “heated” & flush, but don’t sweat too much unless it’s hot outside - this new stage that I am in where I just “Burn, baby burn” is really the creame de la creame of hot flashes...I am praying it’s the finale of this twilight zone amusement ride I have been on....🤞🙏🤞
WildwoodMama debra16694
Thank you!! Not only for understanding but for sharing. Last night my husband brought me in to the ER again. The doctor, young, 25 (maybe) and male was condescending and unconcerned. My hate rate was low, and he said I couldn't really be in pain or it'd be higher. He ran some tests and was about to let me go when the one they do for blood clot came back positive. He sent me in for a CT scan on my lungs, it showed nothing so I'm back home. Ugh!!
Thank you 😊 at least I don't feel like I'm alone here and or crazy 😜
debra16694 WildwoodMama
Oh dear WildwoodMama - I am so sorry for the stress that this episode must have caused you. Unfortunately, it seems like a typical path we have all been down. Maybe it’s God’s way of proving to us that we don’t have anything wrong with our bodies & it just makes us a bit more resilient in dealing with it all. If it’s the shortness breath you are really concerned with, perhaps go check in with an allergist & get checked out. Many menopausal woman do experience issues with allergies & asthma, me included, it has something to do with declining hormones. I also think the shortness of breath thing has something to do with our increased anxiety. I sincerely hope you are guided thru this process with the experiences that so many of us have experienced already. I will spare you all the ER visits, Urgent Care & tests I have endure...blood clot test...check??, cat scan on various parts of my body ??Various blood tests for crazy medical conditions ?? - it’s all part of the crazy train - hope you are resting comfortably now -
CarolKelso debra16694
CarolKelso Finny2018
CarolKelso debra16694
Hi Debra...i am just coming up to 48...i had a hysterectomy 10 years ago with ovaries left in...about five or six years ago i had one week of intensive hot flushing and then it stopped. I went for a blood test and the doctor told me i have started the menapause so im not in the peri stage...but been through it with many awful symptoms.. But over last couple of months I've noticed the symtom are less and episdoes like my stomach issues (which were the worst) are wider apart. Also i think the lowering of estrogen as we move on in the transition brings some symtoms back stronger even tough the episodes may be less. Tiredness or fatigue, constipation, anxiety and depression for example. I was very tired over the past few days and just wanted to sleep. Also a slight depression with it and very sad and tiery. But im better today. The other night i had what i called a "night surge" - in my last reply to you, and i think equates to pmt in my cycle. Terrible tiredness and awful anger too with headaches. But today im better.
I honestly dont know what stage of the journey im at as my period was all the pot with chronic fibroids resulting in hemoraging which i had for two years and at 37 i had the operation.
Id say or i hope im in the later stage as im handling it better...well at times 😊. I move house and job in two weeks time about 120 miles away so if im coping with this right now, i must be heading towards the light!! But its really one day at a time with this whole process and what ive learned is that celebrate the good days as tomorrow, God only knows how I feel. But Debra today is a good day and im hoping and praying for many more. Thanks for all your great posts. CK
debra16694 CarolKelso
Oh thank you Carol for your reply - Well here is the bright side for all your suffering...look how young you will be when it’s all over...if it ever is, but I am hopeful!
Well you must be feeling so much better to contemplate such a major move. I know that I am in the “Eye of the Storm” because I couldn’t wrap my head around such a change, not to mention the work involved. I wish you luck and I am hopeful your new adventure will bring a new perspective, landscape, peace of mind & health. Good Luck & Enjoy your new Lifestyle!
WildwoodMama debra16694
Good Morning Debra,
Thank you again...it was pretty scary to be told I tested positive for a blood clot, sent in for the CT on my lungs and then sent home. It's like, if I tested positive and it's not in my lungs, is it hiding somewhere else? The doctor was so condescending, all he'd say is they'd see it if it were somewhere else, so it's a false positive. Yet in May when the did the same test, it was negative...I truly believe this would be easier if the doctors were better informed AND more compassionate. To be met with understanding instead of thinly veiled disdain would be lovely. But it is what it is I guess😳
Take Care 🙂
debra16694 WildwoodMama
Hi WildwoodMama - I can’t imagine the anxiety you must feel about this - Did they also perform a blood test on you for the blood clot? You might want to check if one was performed (perhaps they did & didn’t tell you) when I thought I had a blood clot in my leg, they drew blood & tested it for something in my blood which detects clotting in your body. You might want that test to put your mind at ease...you can google it - blood test to determine blood clot in body - frankly, some drs should just not be drs. I remembering taking my Mom into the ER & a dr asking me if I wanted to treat my Mom because she was “old”. I looked at him cross eyed & asked for another dr in the ER...my Mom lived another 3 years -
WildwoodMama debra16694
Hi, they did do the blood clot test and it came back positive...that's why the CT scan on my lungs. However, the CT scan showed nothing in my lungs so the doctor concluded it was a false positive for the clot.
debra16694 WildwoodMama
CarolKelso debra16694
Thank you for your lovely words. I hope you feel better soon Debra and thx again for your lovely kind words and support for the ladies here on the forum...CK x
debra16694 CarolKelso
Thank you CarolKelso 💗 Your kind words made my day! 🤗