Fellow derealisation/depersonalisation sufferes

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Greetings fellow patients, I'd like to reach out to everyone and anyone out here that can relate, as while surfing the web looking for some sort of comfort during times when the symptoms feel the worst, knowing I'm not alone makes me feel somewhat better. Warning: it may be long.

Nearly 10 years ago as a dumb but otherwise completely mentally and physically healthy teenager I've made the mistake of smoking pot here and there. The first few times was all fun and games, then the last time ended up in a complete disaster- out of no where, the world around me slowed down, and I felt acute concentration on my heart beat, which started being so fast it felt like a vibration in my chest- sent me into complete slow motion, stoned terror.

At the time of being completely clueless about mental health, I assumed that experience was some sort of micro heart attack- my mother has been suffering extreme stress triggered from heart problems for as long as I remember, and it only made sense the same thing has happened to me.

I became hyper alert of my body, any changes in heart rate or remotely weird physical symptom sent me into a complete frenzy of panic. I thought I was susceptible to it all now- heart attack, heart disease, stoke, all sorts of cancer. I don't even remember the day when I slowly slipped into a state of constant mild dissociation, as I was expecting to die of my physical symptoms any moment.

As it went on, I started to recognise that my mind has also changed- everything around me has started to feel like a movie. My head was in complete cotton wool, I started to slip into depression, disinterested in many things around me. The 'grown ups' I turned to for help put it down as one of those 'teenager things', which they tried curing by taking me on walks to the countryside once in a while (did not help).

It did not help that later I was a victim of an assault which included a head trauma, with later MRI scan finding a small cyst on my pineal gland, but was assured it's not threatening and was sent home (it's unclear whether that cyst is related to the head trauma. CT scan performed years later did not see anything anymore, however, the experience has definetely left an additional mental scar).

As I grew into adulthood, I started to look into my symptoms more from the mental side- I've finally started looking into bits and pieces about anxiety. Still a loyal hypochondriac however but now with own budget, I took all possible medical tests available- I was SO positive it was some nutrient deficiency, cancer, overactive/underactive thyroid etc. etc. causing me this way but to my surprise and almost disappointment, I was turning out to be completely healthy. Anxiety attacks during heightened stress in work were only increasing however.

That was when I decided to finally undergo an EKG, where the cardiologist has sat me down and said that my heart is fine- however if I don't get my anxiety under control, at the latter age it may not be so fine anymore, that's when I first met my friend dear friend Xanax and Cipralex (Lexapro) 10mg.

It kept my anxiety attacks at bay, heart palpitations too, although I'm sure quitting my stress inducing job was a factor too. The derealisation never quite went away, but it was at a level that it only made me kind of sad when I thought about it, imagening how much better it would be if I could just be myself 100%.

I accepted it's quiet, constant presence and learned to live with it.

I was taking Cipralex for about a year and a half, until I decided I can stand on my own feet and slowly, uneventfully weaned myself off it, only keeping Xaxax for occasional troublesome sleeping.

Fast forward year and a half. A lot of changes in my life. Some for the good, but with the ups came a lot of down such as illness of a close family member, financial stress, job uncertainty, love life issues... basically life has been happening, causing considerable stress and anxiety, with my loyal friend derealisation still quietly by my side. Then one night about a month ago, right before falling asleep to wake up and be on my way to dream job I've been loosing my hair to land, it just hit me.

I suddenly became so acutely aware of how unreal my body is, and how unreal everything around me is- a compete wave of terror washed over me as I shot out of bed. I tried to nurse myself to my comforting half reality as I knew it for the rest of the night with lights on.

Since then, despite hoping if I pretend it never happened things will go back to normal, it's been been up and down but mainly completely down. Previous derealisation suddenly seemed like a walk in the park, as my main symtoms switched to questioning my self of sense instead.

The symptoms are no longer, a quiet, bareable presence in my life- I feel like they scream at me every waking second of my life, preoccupying all my thoughts. Even though I know it makes the anxiety worse which makes the symptoms worse in turn, I can't help but focus on the sense of reality. Why am I here (more physically then metaphorically), how is anything around me real? Why is it real? Physically, people around me don't make sense to me. Any seemingly mundane notion or thought sends a shock of anxiety through my body, freaking out at the concept of any this being real.

Last night while laying in bed I caught myself thinking that my body doesn't feel like ME anymore either- like the real me is some weird thing in the back of my brain controlling my body like a robot- a notion that triggered a panic attack that could only be nursed by a xanax induced sleep.

While I can function and contain my mental freak outs in public, I am terrified of the nighttime, it seems to get worse when I'm not occupied and left alone with my brain in the dark.

I constantly try to tap out of it, or tap into everything making sense, but somehow it all makes things worse.

I went to my doctor, who agreed to give medication a go again (I requested Prozac this time, after reading someones very enthusiastic review that it helped their derealisation and crippling panic attacks), however despite being convinced I ain't no quitter and will stick out the side effects if I had them- and I did have them- I did just that and decided to try natural health supplements that I've read can dramatically help anxiety (Magnesium L-Theorate, Taurine, L-Theanine and Inositol- has anyone had a success story with these?) before returning back to the trusty Lexapro if all failed.

Since my whole downward journey with anxiety started I have done quite the research into it.

I understand that DP/DR is a symptom of chronic, severe stress/anxiety but lately, when my hands don't feel like my hands anymore and the panic of questioning my reality gets so overwhelming, I get completely frightened and desperate, feeling that this is it.

I don't know if I know what it is to feel the world as 'normal' anymore, and terrified I'm loosing touch with reality. The fear of going to bed keeps me up until late, where I'm either an exhausted zombie if I have to be up early or sleep for 14 hours straight if I don't. Since these panic attacks have worsened subsequently with the dissociative symptoms, I keep getting notions that if I keep going through life like this any further, I'll probably end up killing myself soon. Not the notion I thought I'd ever have as a formerly ambitions 24 year old.

Any word from anyone going through anything similar to reassure me I'm not alone, I'm not going crazy and it's just my brain on fire with anxiety, you'll be worth your weight in gold, because rationalising looses it's effectiveness for me at this rate.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Ive been dealing with this for a while now youre not alone. It's been a struggle im sure like everyone else dealing with this its not an easy thing to live with. I dont have alot to offer you in terms of advice on dealing with it but I can tell you that you are a very smart well spoken individual and it seems like you have alot to offer this world. I too was a weed smoker and suddenly one day it all changed I dont know if theres any correlation there but another person in this anxiety group on whatsapp im in has the same story and several people on the deal with the same issues. If youd like to join give me a shout its helpful for me to talk with others in similar situations. Good luck to you.

  • Posted

    hello i have been dealing with dp for a year now it triggered by high stress levels and a full panic attack i never smoked weed i think it was genetical for me you are not alone in this its very hard to live with but now i made myself stronger to handle this easily first i cried i thinked how happy i was when i didnt had this now i feeling normal dont think much about dpdr leave it like you dont have it 😁 bye god bless you and all who are going through this

  • Posted

    Well you basically more or less described me with your post.

    i suffer from Anxiety and ADHD and Derealization.

    i started to experience derealization at age 16 (im now 23 years old).

    it never left me. until a year or so the derealization was in more control than today , but it never left even for a single second. i have it with me 24/7 when i wake up and go to sleep.

    my mistake was slowly tapering off the Sertraline pills i was taking because i felt really good ! no anxiety whatsoever and the Derealization was weaker...

    the thing is that when i tapered all the way and stopped taking the pills i started to have a HUGE relapse of my symptoms when i was 17-18 , and it was even worse because im in a different stage in my life that i need to start thinking about University and taking care myself.

    when i returned to the sertraline it helped me a bit but i had really annoying symptoms and they are still here till this day. i have some kind of insomnia , restless leg syndrome , i even remember the time when i started to get brain fog... my memory was always really good and now it became really bad ..

    the only difference between your story and mine is that i never smoked any kind of drugs , its just natural..

    so you probably already saw that you find on the internet more incidents of Depersonalization and not Derealizations , and its frustratint !

    but im glad that you wrote what you did because now i know that im not alone !

    btw , if you want to send me a private message and talk about stuff i'll be more than glad to talk ! 😃

    • Posted

      hey man do you have dp or dr cause i have dp your story is fimiliar to mine bcoz i too never smoked any drugs and it happened to me naturally i was fit and healthy never had depression and anxiety problem but in 2018 A huge panic attack hitted me from that day my anxiety levels were very high and i was in so much stress that caused me dp yeah i too having to about a year now 24/7 but i learn to live with waiting for that day when i will be healthy again and do you have it or it has gone 🤟

  • Posted


    I've been through something almost identical to you. A few months ago i decided to smoke some weed with some friends (i don't smoke) and it led to me having a fit where i had tics and couldn't control my speech or movement for 5 hours. It was terrifying but the worst part was the whole time i was having a major derealisation episode so my brain was also out of my control.

    I was shaken for a few weeks but got through it until one day i was walking to work and it all just hit me like a truck. I started to dissociate and got major derealisation/depersonalisation symptoms. This continued relentlessly for weeks causing very bad panic attacks and depression. I eventually saw my GP and got prescribed Propranalol.

    After a few more weeks and nothing getting better my GP refered me to a neurologist and prescribed me sertraline for my depression. After a couple weeks of waiting i got an appointment and got diagnosed with FND, Functional Neurological Disorder.

    I've felt a lot better after getting this diagnosis and i'm on my way to recovery but it's gonna be a long road. Obviously i don't want people to self diagnose themselves but i would definetly look into it and ask your doctor about it too.

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