Felt good then...BAM!

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I’ve been feeling pretty good for the last week. No show stopping symptoms - almost felt normal except for occasional hot flashes. Then today the sinus pressure, headache, palpitations and dizziness are back. So annoying. I’d started taking 500mg magnesium and thought maybe I’d found a decent treatment option. I’ll still take it, but it doesn’t seem to be my magic pill! 

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5 Replies

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    I know how you feel. I had one day with out feeling that the ground was moving and then BAM - back to my dizzy self.


  • Posted

    Hi Teri, sounds like you have what another lady I have been messaging has. The dizziness and light head and ear/sinus pressure can be menopausal vertigo. You probably need an antihistamine and some Cinnarizine to stop the dizziness. When you don't have these to worry about your general anxiety levels will go down. I am waiting for a transvaginal ultrasound, special genetic blood tests for ovary and breast cancer. My Dr does regular bloods too, just to keep an eye on me, but just knowing that I'm going to get the tests and scans I need has almost wiped out my health anxieties as I know if anything gets found, they will deal with it, and that puts my mind at ease, Having an understanding and supportive Dr and family, really helps too. So next time you see your Dr if you feel comfortable enough, open right up and tell them of any health or anxiety issues you are having, and ask for help. The more information you give, the better the help will be. Good luck hun, here if you need me. X

    • Posted

      Thank you Tina! It’s getting better as the day progresses. I took a decongestant which helped too. I spoke to my PCP at a physical last week and he wants me to go on Lexapro. I’m not sold on this quite yet. I ran it by my GYN as she says Xanax! Def not sold in that! Trying to control symptoms as they happen and my anxiety level is better overall since all labs checked out fine. You’re right - that helps! 
  • Posted

    Hi teri, feels like you are describing me / my symptoms. I had a few weeks of almost normalcy, but then again today, woke up with a headache (migraine?) and was feeling dizzy most of the day. Was wondering about it the whole day...was wondering if it could be coz of soya sauce with dumplings that I ate last night. I usually dont react to soya, but one never knows what happens during this devilish phase sad

    But reading Tinas reply, it feels probably it is menopause related... and of course the summer heat.

    Hang in there, and do post how you are feeling and coping with the symptoms. I have heard that it does get better....with good days more than the bad ones!

    Take care!

    • Posted

      Thanks for the encouragement! Nice to know we aren’t alone ☺️

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