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Hi cud I ask those of you ladies who had taken femorelle for some feed back. Mine has just arriveded today so hoping to start them later. Do u c much if any real improvement ? I'm hoping it will help with my constant fatigue and low mood? My only worry is that I take Bp tablets and hope they wont interact with these! !!
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debbie83588 tinaarena.1
What is femorelle please i haven't heard of it xx
tinaarena.1 debbie83588
natacha66 tinaarena.1
I have been taking it for 2 weeks now and I can see it helping a bit. As it is a natural remedy it takes time to kick in, nonetheless I take citalopram as well.
Femarelle has controlled my night sweats and hot flashes. It is helping me I can say still waiting for the full effect though.
Take care
tinaarena.1 natacha66
I do take the hot flushes but can manage them its my mood a tiredness is the worst. . I dont want to take ad cos they don't agree with me..
Whilst waiting for my tabs to arrive iv also bn told abt menoquil they seem to hv gr8 reviews and also 60 day money bk.
I'm tempted to try those instead as u can't lose.
lana07071 tinaarena.1
tinaarena.1 lana07071
lana07071 tinaarena.1