Feverish and violent shivering

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I've had literally every symptom of menopause that exists from super common and obvious to freakishly rare and weird.

I thought I'd experienced it all.

I've been feeling lethargic and foggy-headed for about a week, taking a lot of naps, but not feeling "sick."

Last night I woke up shaking uncontrollably and feeling so cold that it was like someone threw me outside in the dead of night during a Wisconsin blizzard in January. I could barely walk to the bathroom and everything hurt.

It was like the flu, but no nausea.

Then I got wickedly hot with a raging headache. I woke up several times in the night alternating between freezing and burning up. This morning I just feel lethargic and warm. I'm sure all this is peri menopause related, since I also have swollen breasts, itchy and sore skin, and other typical symptoms. By the way, this was no "hot flash". I get those as well, but a completely different sensation that lasts only a few minutes.


Anyone else experience this frozen and violent shivering and then feverish?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes I experience this every month with my migraines, the migraines can be tricky, the symptoms that go along with the attack are just as you described, only I get the nausea with everything else... And again the migraine symptoms are different for everyone some may have the pain some not some may have the dizziness some not , its all hit or miss.. But yeah definitely sounds like migraine to me, and the hot and cold shivering only lasts ad long as the actual migraine attack , right in the thick of it...

  • Posted

    Also forgot to mention that usually these symptoms seem to hit me when estrogen drops suddenly I will get the irritability swollen breasts head pressure dizziness and migraines seems like at ovulation time.. Now I don't get periods because I had a hysterectomy years ago, but still have ovaries and every month they will hurt for a day or 2 and then next day wake up like someone inflated my breasts and stomach sore to touch can't even wear a bra which I don't anyways because they're too tight and restricts my breathing and messes with my digestive issuse but that's a whole another story, but yeah I can tell when I'm ovulating then the horrible symptoms start next day from drop in estrogen...

    • Posted

      Oh yes, come to think of it, I do remember feeling like I was ovulating a few days ago. I'm sure there's a correlation there!

      I have had the migraines before, and before I knew how it was related to peri menopause, I nearly drove myself to the ER. It felt like an ice pick in my temples and behind my eyes.

      I also have frustrating, unpredictable, and erratic digestive issues.

      Thanks for the reply and the reassurance. I was shivering so hard it felt like I was about to pull a muscle.

      Hormones can be our best friend and worst enemy. 😕

  • Posted

    Hi there all

    I've had so many of the symptoms that lots of you have posted on here. Terrible anxiety and low mood etc. As for the violent shivering I really thought that was just me!! Relieved to know its not! Horrible im so cold my teeth chatter and then once I do warm up I sweat like a kipper ughhh sick of it all. Hopefully this will eventually pass. I'm taking black cohosh herbal supplement which does seem to help with night sweats. Still a moody cow though

  • Posted

    Gypsy beat me to it... sounds like cycle-related migraine.

    You are not alone... I have these symptoms any time my estrogen crashes. Sometimes get the head pain and sometimes not. I had several months where it was very mild, but this month is kicking my behind... been going on for 3 days.

    Hope you find relief quickly!!

    • Posted

      Thank you. I actually felt fine during the day until recently, and now it's back to feverish chills, sore skin and arthritic feeling joints. The sore skin is so weird, too, like it's rubbed raw or sunburned. Ridiculous.

  • Posted

    I do get the shivers frequently. The first time I thought I was coming down with something so i went to doc. No disease.

    Male gp said anxiety, female gyne said meno symptom.

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