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Hi everyone
This is my first time on here and i have just been looking up about fibromalgia, symptoms and peoples experiance etc. Its made me almost want to cry because it has felt that it was my own experiance that i was reading. i have been diagnosed with M.E since 1999 but just this year a new doctor suggested i have Fibro because i have been complaning more about the pain....which is horrendous. I have had to give up my job which i loved, the office banter etc. So to keep busey at home i thought i would start my own traditional bear making business up..... but sadly i am simply too poorly to be able to cope with the stress of such a big adventure and now i am feeling.........WHY? Why wont my body stay as healthy and as active as my brain. All my family and friends plead with me to rest, take things easy and to accept that i can no longer cope with a hectic schedule, or a busey life. But i cant accept it.......i know that i need to for my own good as well as my partner. He made me look at this from his point of view the other' when i dont do as he tells me 'which REST' that when he comes home from a hard days work he cannot realx because i have overdone things and suffering in a lot of pain it cuts him up to see me in such pain and discomfort, and unable to get up from the sofa or to walk properly. he is having to do everything for me, it dawned on me then just how selfish i have been. i know i wouldnt like to come home from a hard days graft to see him in so much pain and it would make me cross to know that he hadnt done as his told and rested. So i suppose i am on the verge of Accepting this god awful demon...but still with much reluctance and only because there is a gun \"metorphorically\" pointing at me.
I so wished that i wouldnt feel so alone with this damned demon.
Bonnie x
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Don't be too hard on yourself :cry: It does take time to adjust to being told you have fibro. Don't let the fibro get the better of you! :cry: Fit your life and things you do around it. :lol: Your husband is right you do need to rest. It is difficult to do all of a sudden when you have been use to doing lots and going out.
I was only told I had it in June this year! I think mine has been going on for years though and just have muddled through. Certainly explained how I was feeling and was good to get a name for it at last :lol:
Everyone one finds different ways of dealing with it! I sometimes will overdo it for a few days and then have to pay the price lol :cry: Depends what you want to do! I think the best thing to do is to take one day at a time :lol:
We are all friendly on here and talk to each other. There is Ses who is a moderator for the site and a fellow sufferer as well. Linda, Di & Helen to name a few. I am sure if you have any worries and come on one of us will be on the site at some point. Even if you want a good old rant about fibro or anything else we will listen.
Don't me on your own! I have found this site a very good one for support from other sufferers!
I hope you get your pains sorted out soon! :cry: My legs have been quite bad recently due to change in the weather but luckily I can walk around. Although sometimes i do get stiff when sitting for too long lol!
Well take care
Love Tess x x
I just had to let you know you are not alone. I have had fibro from childhood and it was only diagnosed last year, can I just say some people are more able to ajust than others. That does not mean that you are not the same as everyone else, just that there are many factors to consider such as our personal experience, how much it impacts on our lives and our personalities.
I thought I would never get used to this or eccept my new life and be able to let go of the old one, the truth is when I stopped worrying about it a little bit things started happening. I am finally seeing there is a role for me in life. I am not being to hard on myself any more and taking everything very slowly and it is working I feel more positive today that say two months ago. I don't have all the answers and I guess I will hit more low points but every time I do I think off my progress and that no matter how small, it can get me through just as much as it can frustrate me. I hope this helps :D .
Lisa is right we are all different and we adjust to things in different ways and it does take time! Just hang in there and take one day at a time :lol:
Hope you are doing ok Lisa and in not too much pain.
Take care both!
Tess x x
I am doing ok, Can't say I not in to much pain but getting through it better than before, I think.
I hope you are ok, thanks for asking, Lisa xx.
Thank you both very much for your support and i will take on board what you are saying, i think what has made me a little extra bit low was because 2 wks ago i thought i had manage to crack this ability of mine being unable to rest. I dug out a rug making kit that i started years ago, got the foot stool, to put my feet on, and all the other stuff i needed, then i got comfy pulled the canvas of this rug across my legs and proceeded to 'rug make'. i was doing this during the day,and able to cook my partner a meal in the evening. He even commented on how more bubbly i had become. But this week i have been in awful pain with my finger...of all things!!! I had a fall about 2 months ago and hurt my hand...mainly brusied i think, but now i have a swollen finger and cant do my rug making.anymore at the moment. Its just the frustration comming out. :evil:
It would be nice to get to know you all being as i am no longer working.
I have also been looking for a site that helps with claiming benefits? i have just been accepted for incapcity again and i keep being told to apply for DVLA but i know thats a tough one to get, would you have any advice?
take care
I found the bad thing about DLA is how many times you have to repeat the same answers over and over. It takes time and can be frustrating, I found this time round the best way to deal with it was to take a few pages at a time. There are support groups out there and maybe you would prefer asking them to help you fill in the form. Either way it is worth a try, I hope this helps, Lisa xx
P.S When you answer the questions base it on the worst days.
Feeling a tad better today i have just made my other half his favorite Bread and Butter pudding i had lots a bread left over my from a party this wk/end just gone.
The weather is awful here today lots of rain and wind howling down the chimney.
Refering to the benefit forms i think i will make photo copies of any forms i fill in for benefits and keep them safe. :wink: I was told that getting the dla was one that you have to keep applying for and like you say its best to have the same answeres for all the forms that they send. I will be seeing my doctor on Monday i shall ask her view point as to whether i should apply for this and if so, whether she will support my claim. I think she would, but not 100% certain.
Take care
I have just come back from my hospital appointment. My mri results show that there is nothing wrong with my discs but my surgeon can not give me a reason for all the pain that I am in. My back ispainfull as well as all the pain in my shoulders and knees. My arms feel really crampy and my neck is sore as well. He says that it is mechanical !!! apparently meaning all to do with my muscles etc. He says that I am okay to return to work but I have an appointment with my gp tomorrow to talk to her about it. He does want to refer me to a back specialist though I can not see how this is going to help. I have found it increasing difficult lately to do things like wash my hair and use the hairdryer. I feel like I am back at the beginng again as still no answers.
hopefully my gp can help but not at a loss if she can not help.
Helen A
Widget, I got DLA the first time I applied. Their own doctor came out to see me at home. She asked me to show her how I managed to get from the living room to the toilet. I pulled myself off of the chair onto my crutches, by this time my face was bright red with the pain. I dragged myself over to the wall at the door and fell against it. She knew I was so embarrassed and frustrated as well as in chronic pain she said not to continue and sit back down. I told her straight I did not want DLA I wanted my life back I had only applied because everyone else was on my case to.
I got a letter in a few weeks later saying I qualified, now I am glad I have got it because the Lisa who thought she would just push herself back to uni and work and would get back to playing football with my boys never quite came back lol. The point I am trying to make is they do recognise fibro, maybe not all of their doctors but some do I was lucky I suppose but just keep appealing if they do refuse you. You are entitled to it and it is just the governments way of saving money and keeping their figures down they rely on the fact that their is people out there that will only try once.
Keep copies of every thing and be honest when you are filling in the form they say to think of your worse days, the truth is if you are like me the truth is bad enough.
Helen A, Can I just say I have a doctors appointment tomorrow for the exact same pain as you have just described and like you I thought it was my discs. Please don't tell me this is going to be yet an other symptom to add to the never ending list I already have I don't think I can put up with this, I am not sleeping well at the moment and I have notice lack of sleep makes all the difference to my pain as I am sure most of you know from your own experiences. Thanks everyone I feel a great relief just telling it like it is rather than saying to family I am ok when I am clearly not but I don't want to worry them or boar them lol.
Lisa xx
clare90244 widget
I have just read some comment's....very patchily as I am struggling to concentrate and seems to have gotten worse recent months. I have just this week been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, previously consultant thought Reactive Arthritis but the Fatigue and pain have persisted. I took very ill January and still struggling to get my head round things - I was hoping once I had been diagnosed I could move on and make changes. I was told previously not to be overdoing things with Tendonitis and now it would appear with this diagnosis I have been doing all the wrong things. This week I attended 1 Pilates class and have been do you know if you are overdoing things, especially when you get so tired anyway? How have things progressed for you after a year? Haven't returned back to work all seems like a bad dream.
tracey00938 widget
widget tracey00938
i have learnt that you need to be a tough cookie to deal with this fibro lark, I have under active thyroid as well as ME too and I do have good and bad days. I often wonder what it would feel like to wake up one morning pain free...would I think I had died? Probably lol I have just lost a load of weight and the ME and fibro did not like that my God didn't they kick off together. I find when the fibromyalgia is about to start I feel pain across neck then my shoulders, that's normally my cue to get home and wrapped up ready. I have a cocktail of drugs to take morning and night which I hate having to take but which I also know I wouldn't be able to manage without. I am normally in bed by 8:30 every night because I simply get too tired easily. Though this evening I am actually going out for a meal. I just hope I won't be yawning too much š. But to be able to go out this evening I am having to have complete rest today....which I still find ridiculous ( mentally) but which my body obviosly dosent. It's SOOOOOO FRUSTRATING!!!! Ā I
take careĀ Ā