Fibroid pains anyone ?!😢😢…😭
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Hi ladies!
today without a doubt has been the most painful day of my life😰🔥 my lower waist feels like I have fire on it, and every time I move around it feels like everything is just going come out of me…! I know I said I was going to try and not let the dr do hysterectomy (I'm 46 probably at the peak of peri) but this pains are becoming unbearable' ladies any ideas or suggestions please ?! I'd really appreciate some input here! 🙏
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carol62649 Goddess1
Hi godess,
i understand how you feel completely, i had large fibroids, i knew i had them. At my daughters engagement party i was dancing and felt something sort of drop, felt very odd. Off to see dr who confirmed dropped uterus and bladder. Saw gyno, in view of all my issues i decided to have hesterectomy, dr said fibroids were very large. So happy i made the choice, five years ago now, i recovered really well, hardly any pain. Was vaginal hyst, only problem is dropped bladder ie prolapse can return, at the moment im very dry down there, and i had hemmerhoid banding done 3 weeks ago.
like you im feeling uncomfortable, very low in mood too. Worried these feelings wont improve, menopause is the pits....
i am on anti depressants for anxiety associated with health worry, i really feel for you. Pain is never easy to cope with, only you can decide to have hysterectomy, but it will fix your problems. I didnt regret my choice.
its not easy, but rest, maybe use a hot water bottle.
sending you hugs🌷
Goddess1 carol62649
Thanks so much for your great advice & for sharing your situation with me, a God bless you! If this doesn't get any better that's what I need to do too! Hugs😘
Lotti1966 Goddess1
I'd like to suggest you get 2 or 3 professional opinions first. I had a robotic laparospic total hysterectomy 14 mths ago and would have done it differently if given a choice
Goddess1 Lotti1966
Will do & thanks so much😘
Sochima822 Goddess1
Goddess, I know exactly what Julian is like. I couldn't even walk because it felt as if my uterus had fallen. With this said, my mom suggested I do a castor oil pack. Like you I suffer from fibroids & cysts. So I went onto the net found how to do it and had been good until I hit my 50's. My doctor suggested bcp pills that worked really well for a lot of my perimenopause symptoms, fibroids was one of them. When I went off of them, a little pain came back but this time I was given a sheet of exercises to do to help with the pain. Lastly, try taking turmeric to reduce the inflammation. Since taking turmeric I now rarely ever get any pain there. Hope this helps.
Julian? Edit button please lol. The word is supposed to be "this" not Julian!
Goddess1 Sochima822
Castor oil ?! Really I'm sure going to look it, I just bought some for my hair too…! I feel hopeful already, thanks so much girl😘 God bless you!
carol62649 Goddess1
Hi again,
i was also going to suggest caster oil packs but wasnt sure if it could help fibroid pain.
also tumeric and cinnamon, as suggested anti inflamatories may help. I used curcumen in tablet form ( tumeric) . Nature provides some wonderful remedies!
naz86530 Goddess1
Sorry, I am new here. I also have a couple fibriods one of them is quite big: 10cm. Luckily no pain at least not yet, but the size of that thing is scary. Anyhow, have you discussed other options than hysterectomy with your doc and if you have and you are not a candidate for any of those option, may I ask what prevents you from hysterectomy? For me, is the long recovery time. I just can't afford taking 2 months off work.
grace50455 naz86530
Had that not been the case the Dr. Said two weeks, even after 8 weeks I now have cervical prolapse.
I agree with getting plenty of rest, put your feet up and relax helps with the pain. God bless you.
naz86530 grace50455
Thanks, Grace. I can live with two weeks even 3 weeks off work. I haven't discussed the recovery time with my doc yet, as I am waiting to see what the radiologist says on the UFE. If I am not a candiate for that, then I will have a more detailed discussion with my doc. about the open hysterectomy. Have a great day!