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Hi all. Hope everyone is well. Just an update. I have a GP appointment on Saturday morning to discuss getting referred back to a Gynocologist. It's one thing looking preganant but I don't want the heavy flooding periods back.
I'm going to insist on a Myomectomy and if I'm refused then they had better have a good medical reason for denying me Utetus sparing sugery for a non- cancerous not fatal condition. I will go private as a last resort.
The reason I'm posting is I want to say to all the Ladies on here that I will never regret having the UFE it may not have got rid of my symptoms but it has shrunk it so this should give me more options. There was always a risk of failure but I don't regret it cos if it had worked then I would have avoided major surgery.
Good luck to everyone whatever you decide just do your research I can't stress that enough.
1 like, 9 replies
christine65130 patricia27802
Hi Patricia, best of luck with getting the surgery organised, keep us up to date with your progress. As you say, I'm sure the UFE has done something good in shrinking the fibroids, even if it has not been totally successful.
annie65607 patricia27802
heather34376 patricia27802
At least with UFE you know its dead & wont grow any bigger which is my worry. However for some ladies Myomectomy comes with more risks than a hysterectomy.
Myomectomy is a simillar recovery time & whilst I'm not advocating a hysterectomy for certain sized & positioned fibroids adhension is a major risk especially to the bowel.
Lorene51 patricia27802
claudia58302 patricia27802
jess48383 claudia58302
Do you mind me asking how big your fibroid was? What's recovery been like? How long do you think you'll be out of action?
claudia58302 jess48383
Hi, it was 6cm. Recovery was difficult and painful for the first week, desperately trying to pass wind and do my first post op poop lol, also it can feel overwhelming when you can't do basic things comfortably like getting out of bed lol. But hey its major surgery and just a time to go easy and be gentle, listening to your body going into the second week the pain subsided to soreness however I was still tired and also aching around my back where the muscles compensate for your weakened abdominal muscles. But into the third week I am feeling more like myself and moving around well, however taking it easy and only walking for exercise. I am careful not to cause abdominal strain... and as per the Dr's, not allowed to lift more than 2kg for 6 weeks and advised not to drive for 4 weeks. Oh and no mopping or vacuuming for 4 weeks. I am going back to work after 6 weeks. Hope that helps.
patricia27802 claudia58302
Hi Claudia. Hope you don't mind me asking. Did you have open surgery or keyhole? And also did you have any other procedures done before? I hope you are doing well and continue to recover.
Hi alll just an update. I went to the GP and they said that I have to endure 3 heavy periods before it's considered problem. Which I think is bollocks. She said the heavy period could have been a one off.
I wondered if anyone on here with a failed UFE had gone on to have a Myomectomy or asked for one and been refused.